Gal Gadot Cast As Wonder Woman In Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel Sequel
Hanna Lafferty ’16 / Emertainment Monthly Staff Writer

Recently, it has been confirmed that the part of Wonder Woman in the upcoming Batman vs Superman film will be played by the Israel-born actress Gal Gadot of Fast & Furious fame. The sequel to Man of Steel, which features Henry Cavill as Superman and Ben Affleck as Batman, is set for release on July 17, 2015. Before the confirmation that Gadot was set to play Princess Diana of Themyscira, there were some questions as to whether or not any of the Justice League would be featured in the sequel. Now that Wonder Woman’s role is official in the new movie, it seems there is a chance that Batman vs Superman will be able to expand the Warner Bro.s/DC universe.
As for Gadot, it is unclear whether or not her Wonder Woman will be meant as a cameo for future films or as a crucial part of Batman vs Superman’s storyline. If she performs well as a side character, Gadot could have the chance to develop Diana further in what may become an Avengers-like franchise.
Related: SDCC ’13: Superman/Batman Confirmed
There is some controversy surrounding the casting of Gadot as such an iconic female character. So far, many comments from fans were focused on whether or not she looks the part and if she has the acting chops to really make Wonder Woman a believable character. While concern about the latest interpretation of Wonder Woman is understandable— especially after the failed 2011 NBC pilot and the many false rumors of a Joss Whedon-directed Wonder Woman movie—only time will tell if Gadot can carry Lynda Carter’s mantle.
With Gadot’s background in the Israel Defense Forces (learning combat training, weaponry, and serving as a fitness trainer) and her experience on the Fast and Furious franchise, there is no question that she will be able to embody Wonder Woman in action, even if some fans say she isn’t the physical ideal.
Regardless, it’s great to see Wonder Woman finally getting her break on the big screen.
Gal Gadot’s publicists and DC Comics’ press representatives declined to comment.