Meet Sir Fedora, the Internet's Newest Star
Shannan Singletary ’16 / Emertainment Monthly Staff Writer
If you weren’t paying close enough attention last week, you might have missed the internet’s newest star.
Meet Sir Fedora, a young boy who’s really excited about being on YouTube. After posting his first video at the end of January, Sir Fedora was over the moon about his video receiving one ‘Like.’ He then posted a second video titled “what Da (Bleep) happened” a few days later to express his overwhelming joy toward that single ‘Like.’ Sir Fedora posed a humble request in his second video: asking his generous viewers to help him get three to five ‘Likes.’
He skyrocketed to internet fame when a Reddit user posted a link to his second video, calling on the Reddit community to overwhelm the young boy with ‘Likes.’ The Reddit community was more than happy to comply when the link took up residence on the front page of the link-sharing website.
Sir Fedora didn’t understand what was happening at first. He posted another video early the next day expressing both his joy and confusion over gaining several new Twitter followers overnight, bringing his follower count up to 45. Later that day he seemed to have caught on a bit, and posted another video to share his gratitude toward his 30,000 ‘Likes’ and 16,000 new subscribers. Despite his newfound success, Sir Fedora remained as humble as ever, though asking this time for one hundred ‘Likes’ on his new video.
That first video now has over 43,000 ‘Likes,’ and the video originally posted on Reddit now has over 120,000, plus over one million views. Sir Fedora’s subscriber count has increased to 81,000, and he’s racked up over 45,000 Twitter followers, one of which happens to be Ellen DeGeneres. Not to mention his sudden success landed him a guest appearance on the Comedy Central show “@midnight.”
Sir Fedora’s channel now has a total of 10 videos posted. He’s said that his success has inspired him to do some awesome things, so stay tuned.