The Top Five Most Anticipated Sequels of 2014
Adam Reynoso ’15 / Emertainment Monthly Staff Writer
With awards season coming to an end and the Spring (hopefully) around the corner, here are five sequels coming out that may require one to leave the warmth of their apartment and make the long, maybe even epic, journey to the closest movie theatre (or not. As Amy Poehler once beautifully said in the gem that is Baby Mama, “…I don’t know your life!”).
5. The Purge: Anarchy

One of the most intriguing things about this sequel is the secrecy that’s surrounded the project since its announcement last year. Audiences finally caught a glimpse of what to expect with the most recent teaser trailer. The idea that the film will explore the world outside of the house offers a LOT more room for growth and possibilities compared to last year’s original home invasion film.
Watch The Trailer:
4. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

It’s already been said by the people over at Marvel Studios that this is the film that will lead directly to the events of the next Avengers film, Avengers: Age of Ultron. This can only mean the events of this film have to have MAJOR consequences. Now, what that means can be left to speculation until its April release, but fans of the comics can already tell some of the spoilers, specifically from the title of the film itself.
Watch The Trailer:
3. The Amazing Spider–Man 2

Watch The Trailer:
2. The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 1

Expected to reveal its first teaser trailer during the MTV Movie Awards, this begins the road to the two-part finale to the finale of the blockbuster franchise. The final moments of last year’s TheHunger Games: Catching Fire have already indicated the tone of next film. The film, itself, will be tackling the dystopian world’s finale from the franchise’s source material, which means everyone (yes, everyone) is going to need a box of tissues, in addition to that enormous tub of popcorn and extra, extra large soda.
1. X-Men: Days of Future Past