“Bates Motel” Review/Recap: "Check-Out"
Dymon Lewis ’14 / Emertainment Monthly Staff Writer
Understandably, Dylan (Max Thieriot) spent the entirety of this episode under a dark incest cloud of shame and anger. While the news is shocking, Dylan’s status as “the outsider” to Norman (Freddie Highmore) and Norma (Vera Farmiga) finally makes sense. His realization that he was the unwanted child born of rape that Norma passed off as another man’s offspring in order to escape her miserable home life is heartbreaking for him and his mother, but she confirms that his version of events are correct. Norman and Norma are keen to restore things to the status quo, as their survival method has always been fake it until it’s your reality (there is no Asian prostitute underneath Shelby’s house, that pearl necklace under Norman’s bed most certainly doesn’t belong to his recently-murdered teacher, I can will the bypass to not exist), but Dylan approaches situations head on. For him, his whole identity has been irrevocably changed and he will not play Norman and Norma’s game.
The most explosive scene of the night was in the final minutes of the night when Norman confronted his Uncle Caleb (Kenny Johnson). Although last season viewers got a glimpse of Norman shifting into the “Mother” persona, this episode showcased a prolonged scene of Norman’s lapse into the other identity armed with a knife. Plagued by images of his mother’s rape at Caleb’s hand combined with witnessing a major blowup between Dylan and Norma, Norman loses himself in an imagined version of his mother’s persona. What makes the scene so terrifying is the sense that Norman truly feels the horror of what his mother went through. He is not just channeling her emotions—he is “Mother”. Though Caleb walks away unscathed, the potential for violence is shown to be great within Norman and also raises more questions about just what happened to Ms. Watson (Keegan Connor Tracy)—a murdered may have been charged but the Bates aren’t out of the clear just yet.
Overall Episode Grade: A+