Foster the People Kicks It Up at the House of the Blues
Adam Reynoso ’15 / Emertainment Monthly Staff Writer

Continuing their Supermodel tour at the House of Blues, Foster the People showed off their talent for putting on a mesmerizing performance, complete with a lively stage presence and psychedelic visuals on video boards behind the band. Even the opening band, St. Lucia, began the show with an energetic start.
What made St. Lucia such a fun band to begin with was how they entered the show. They seemed like they had been having the most fun while on tour and it showed with their performance. A highlight would be the way they used the lights at the venue to add another dimension to their dancey beats. At one point, there was a red, yellow, green and blue light floating around the stage and it was quite a fun visual. The crowd, although not entirely filled out yet, was into the music as well, dancing along with the music.
Once they completed their set, the venue filled up, as the show had been sold out. As the lights went out and the band teased their arrival, the crowd cheered as the stereos beat a generic beat. And then the band came out onto the stage, starting the show off with “Are You What You Want to Be?” The song itself is a catchy, upbeat tune off their current album and was a perfect way to start the show.
On stage, the band had the same excitement of their opener, if not more. They made use of the entire stage, each member having their own section. That was another highlight. They really worked together as a band for their show. In some cases, some bands tend to let the vocals have all the fun, but that’s not how Foster the People worked. Instead, they all took part in dancing and moving along with their songs. The trio, Mark Foster, Cubbie Fink and Mark Pontius, often worked alongside during certain songs, as well as collaborating with their touring members.
The setlist weaved through their new album, as well as bringing in tracks from their first album. They played their hits, “Coming of Age,” “A Beginner’s Guide to Destroying the Moon,” “Pumped Up Kicks” and “Helena Beat.” Each song pumped up the crowd and had people singing along. But it was the multimedia show that made it an outstanding performance. The band had a clear stage presence, and they used the visuals as a background that helped establish a mood for each song.
And to change things up, the band did an accoustic version of “Houdini.” However, one of the accoustic guitars wasn’t working, so it ended up being a mix of acoustic with an unplugged electric guitar that resulted in something different. While the song was a nice break, it did seem a little strange without the background beats. But they recovered from the setback, closing the show with a crowd favorite, “Don’t Stop (Color on the Walls)”, which ended the concert on an upbeat note.
The band put on quite a show and proved that they are still going strong. They clearly have a passion for their music and care about their fans. Especially Boston, who they admitted they always felt that they had to work for Boston’s admiration.
Photos From The Concert: