'Grey’s Anatomy' Character Scorecard: “I Must Have Lost It on the Wind”
Sara Chaffee ’16 / Emertainment Monthly Staff Writer
Because of the vast amount of activity taking place at Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital and the sheer number of characters to follow, Emertainment Monthly has devised a clever way to keep track of all things Grey’s Anatomy. Following every episode, characters will receive points based on their actions, good or bad. After the midseason finale, the points will be tallied and the reiging character will receive a crown and a shield that will (hopefully, but really not at all) protect them from Sweeps Week. So, without further ado, Emertainment Monthly is pleased to present you with the first annual Grey’s Anatomy Character Score Card:
+15 for being a great friend and taking over Cristina’s “my person” duties
-5 for being a bad boyfriend in the process
-10 for not securing the gurney that fell off of the hospital roof and almost killed two people
-5 for calling dibs on a patient as if they are not a human
-5 for sinking to Jo’s level and following suit
+10 for offering Richard an ear to talk about his surprise daughter drama
-5 for discussing her brother’s sex life during surgery WITH HER BROTH-

-5 for being a terrible comforter and telling a patient he was lost for two months with zero emotion. You’ve been a doctor for ten seasons now, Meredith. Bedside manner is important!
-10 for flirting with someone in front of your wife
+2 for that someone being Geena Davis
+5 for the effort it took to ask Owen to hang out, no matter how awkward it is to ask a grown man to come over and play Jenga
+10 for always being the doctor to endure patient’s monologues

-5 Taking out your aggression on a vending machine is just sad.
+10 for trying to set Owen up on friend dates to cheer him up
+5 for being mature in the war against Alex for the board seat. May the best (wo)man win.
+15 for choosing his family over his career and resolving a conflict in record Grey’s speed
Overall Episode Grade: B-
Overall Character Drama Grade: Solid A