'Supernatural' Returns With Thrilling New Episode "Black"
Emily Dunbar ’17 / Emertainment Monthly Staff Writer
Whether or not a premiere is good one depends entirely upon how much from the end of the previous season is touched on and how many new plots and characters are added to the mix. In this regard, “Black” shone brighter than an angel’s true form. We got to see what demon-in-training Dean Winchester (Jensen Ackles) and reigning King of Hell Crowley (Mark Sheppard) were up to (e.g. a whole lot of boozin’ and groovin’); what was occupying Sam Winchester (Jared Padalecki) (e.g. a whole lot of research and grimacing); and, of course, what celestial wavelength Castiel (Misha Collins) was up to (a whole lot of coughin’). We also had a few new characters thrown into the mix. The opposite of a damsel in distress, Ann Marie (Emily Fonda) is a cool but tough waitress at the bar in which Dean and Crowley are holed up. A mysterious muscle-head was also thrown into the mix, as somebody who’s got it out for Dean… and will go through Sam if he has to!
Starting off with these new additions: for the love of all that is holy, PLEASE let Ann Marie stay alive. The writers very often get fan backlash for killing off all their female characters, and this one’s got potential! It could make for awesome television if the writers really took the time to develop Ann Marie’s character and hone in on the ways she could potentially bring some human to the slowly-deteriorating cast of non-monsters. However, Ann Marie has been being described as an “intense fling” by many cast and crew members who are willing to comment. Let’s hope she doesn’t just become another lady in the long line of Dean Winchester’s conquests; let’s hope for some backstory! Keeping in the vein of women, it was exciting to see Castiel’s second-in-command from season 9, Hannah (Erica Carroll), back in business. While she’s still acting a bit crazy, a bit too angelic, she scraped by death in “Black,” proving that she will probably stick around for at least a little while longer. Again, it would be nice to have a long-lasting female character, and Hannah’s been around since last season. She’s slowly been developing into someone Cas can trust, even if he sometimes has to pry the angel blade from her descending fist. Hopefully we can look forward to not only seeing her more often, but also witnessing the progression of her friendship with our favorite angel.
In brotherly love news, Sam recited the Winchester motto, the sentence that lets all Supernatural fans know that it’s gonna be alright, that he is still the same Sam Winchester we know and love. He said: “I’m going to save my brother, even if it kills me.” Ah, yes! That’s the Winchester spirit! Though we’re used to hearing the self-sacrificing spiel from Dean, Sam’s been known to throw his hat and his life in the ring on numerous occasions. This time, he’s sticking his neck out to go after Crowley. It’s too bad he only got to threaten him, as the mysterious muscle man managed to take down the moose and lock him up in a warehouse. When the stranger gave a ransom call to Dean, the Deanmon was apathetic to his brother’s situation. It’s probable, though, that he’s got a Cain-like rage boiling within him that’s going to force him to rush to his brother’s aid… or something like that.
This episode was a success. It answered some questions, but left us with more. Season 10 is clearly going to hurt. Keep your TV locked on the CW for Supernatural’s next episode, “Reichenbach.” Is it a Sherlock reference? Probably not. But can we pretend it is? Absolutely! Bless your holy water, draw your Devil’s trap, and tune in next Tuesday at 9 pm!
Overall Episode Grade: A-