'Arrow' Review/Recap: "Guilty"
Nora Dominick ‘17 / Emertainment Monthly Staff Writer
At the end of last week’s episode, fans were left on the edge of their seats when Roy (Colton Haynes) had a dream about killing Sara (Caity Lotz). This episode saw Roy confiding in Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) about his possible involvement in that night. After testing his blood and hearing more about his dream, Felicity tells Roy that Sara’s fatal injuries are consistent with someone who had mirakuru in their system. A distraught Roy, breaks down to Oliver (Stephen Amell), Laurel (Katie Cassidy) and Diggle (David Ramsey) saying he killed Sara. Diggle brings up a valuable point when he tells Oliver to let Roy go because he is the same as the people they fight against. Fans normally agree with Diggle, but, not in this case. Roy is a member of Team Arrow and deserves to be saved.
In a truly heartbreaking scene, Roy pleads with Oliver saying “Don’t abandon me,” to which Oliver replies with a confident “Never.” These characters have grown tremendously over the past two seasons and viewers finally saw their friendship blossom. Oliver also gave Roy his official superhero name: Arsenal. In the end, everyone’s favorite bad-boy remembers that it was not Sara whom he remembered killing, it was a police officer during Slade’s (Manu Bennett) attack last season. Although this was good news for Oliver, and viewers, Roy storms out grief-stricken because he is still a murderer. Haynes heartfelt scenes with Rickards finally showed the hardened character breaking down. He has shown colossal development as an actor with his ability to take Roy from a misunderstood teenager to a full-blown superhero.
Another character that has grown significantly in recent weeks is Laurel. Since the tragic death of her sister, Laurel has taken steps to becoming a full-fledged superhero herself. Her training alongside Ted has shown the character evolving from a damsel in distress to a strong female character. This is a positive change from the drug-addict version of Laurel fans saw last season. Similar to Haynes evolution of Roy, Cassidy has seemingly transformed Laurel into a powerful individual. She has changed from Oliver’s girlfriend to a member of Team Arrow. This episode also saw Cassidy taking Laurel closer to her transformation into The Black Canary in a future episode.
Arrow continues to take the genre of “superhero TV shows” to a whole new level. Each episode, characters develop from secondary characters to full-blown, fan favorites. It’s hard to imagine an episode without Felicity’s wit, Laurel’s feisty spirit and Roy’s determination to make this world a better place. With only a few episodes left until the mid-season finale the heat is turning up on everyone’s favorite masked vigilante.
Arrow airs on Wednesdays at 8/9c on the CW.
Overall Episode Grade: B+