Review: 'The Homesman' – Speaking Softly, Still Signifying Nothing
PT Philben ’17 / Emertainment Monthly Staff Writer
The story begins with a opening credit sequence that walks the line between an image and blatant ripoff of High Noon, all the way down to an eerily similar score and the wide shots of plains. It’s just in Nebraska this time. All leading into a look into the life of Mary Bee Cuddy, portrayed very well by Swank. Cuddy is an aging spinster. She is a good woman who works hard but she is rejected by men in general because of her looks and her bossiness. Ignoring the many convinces of her circumstances, it is fair to criticize the fact that this is about all we get. She is noble, she is assertive and she is obsessed with getting married. All great qualities in the female lead of what’s supposed to be a feminist film…right?
Long story short (the setup drags); three women (Grace Gummer, Miranda Otto and Sonja Richter) in Cuddy’s small desert town go insane (which is never elaborated on) and Cuddy proves to be the only one who can take them through a long journey to Iowa so that they can be better taken care of. The criminal George Briggs (Jones’s worst performance in years) is blackmailed by Cuddy into aiding in the journey.
There is a twist about two-thirds of the way through this movie and it does highlight a lot of the problems of the movie when you start to think about it. It should be a great twist, it should make you fall backwards in your seat. It should have been a great twist because it has the two essential features required to make a twist good. You don’t see it coming and, in hindsight, it makes perfect sense. The problem? The twist is something that happens to one of the characters that impacts their role through the rest of the film and it would be very emotional if prior events of the film made you care. Many people will eat it up and deem it “brilliant” because of the intent. It is nonetheless guaranteed that no one is going to have the emotional response that Jones was clearly going for because this character was underdeveloped.
The reviews and consensus will be in soon, and praise is basically inevitable. There is a certain feeling of obligation because of what the film is trying to do and the very artistic and serious approach it takes. Ten years down the line is a different story and this film will not stick. It is admirable that this film is trying to make a serious commentary about women in society. However the film fails to say anything that needed to be said. Also; the pacing was terrible, the script is impossible to sufficiently criticize in one review, and the characters are completely forgettable in this largely character driven story. There are plenty of things in the film that worked (cinematography, music, acting [mostly], etc) but it isn’t worth going into because of all of its serious and at times even offensive failures. It is in the best interest of film criticism to not give the film an A for effort.
Overall Grade: D+
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