Sony Announces Batman: Arkham Knight PS4 Bundles
David A. Bumpus, ‘18 / Emertainment Monthly Staff Writer
For the game’s first day of availability for digital pre-ordering, Sony announced that it will be releasing two separate Batman: Arkham Knight PlayStation 4 bundles on the game’s release date.
The bundles, which will release on June 23, each come with a PlayStation 4, controller, and the game itself. The Limited Edition version of the bundle, however, will feature a sleek and smooth steel gray PlayStation 4 with a custom Batman faceplate. The bundle will also have a limited edition controller, which will come in the same steel gray color as the PlayStation. The special bundle will sell for $450, $50 more than previously released bundles for the console.

The regular Batman: Arkham Knight PlayStation 4 Bundle will sell for the normal $400 dollars, with the only special thing about it being the game itself. However, any PS4 customer for the Arkham Knight will receive special content right off the bat (no pun intended), including special access to bonus content, including extra in-game missions and custom skins for Batman and the Batmobile. There are two skins for Batman: the Justice League 3000 Batsuit and his old school classic TV show blue and silver Batsuit, along with Batman’s classic TV Batmobile skin.