A Compilation of Depth | Review of "Dove Arising" (Dove Chronicles, #1)
Cynthia Ayala ’17 / Emertainment Monthly Staff Writer
Dove Arising is the debut novel of Karen Bao. Published February 24, 2015 by Viking Juvenile, the novel joins the throng of novels within the young adult/dystopic science fiction genre combining the likes of Enders Game and The Hunger Games to weave a suspenseful novel.
Dove Arising follows the protagonist Phaet Theta, a 15-year-old young girl, who must make the decision to take on a particularly hazardous job with the moon militia to keep her family safe when her mother is suddenly, and without cause, arrested. A courageous story with a down-to-earth character who has the spirit of Katniss and the strength of Ender. However, this character has more spirit and personality within her to keep her interesting. Bao invests the readers into this character so that the audience can attach themselves to the premise of the novel. By building this futuristic environment, Bao makes this science fiction story relevant in order to ground the reader and connect it to very relevant aspects of reality. Bao is opening the eyes of young readers everywhere with this novel.
The novel is set on a futuristic moon colony that is at war with the Earth. But there are secrets out there, secrets that have built and corrupted this colony, turning its back on the destitute and seeking to inspire conformity like Big Brother in 1984. Phaet is a character who doesn’t really stand out in the world, who tries to blend in and make herself invisible as best as possible since the death of her father. Of course, events thrust her into the light, much to her demise, but for the love of her family, she does it, she makes herself noticeable, she makes herself known. This builds up the events of the story, giving depth to the characters.
The one annoying part of the story is in regards to how Phaet’s family reacts to her actions. Readers grow to understand this character and understand what she has gone through, the audience knows that she does not change; the readers see that she hasn’t changed. But the family shuns her the moment she puts on the uniform because she is wearing the uniform. They treat her horribly and that is upsetting because all the readers can see who she is.
What this character must endure makes this an amazing and groundbreaking novel. As fictitious as it is, it holds a note of relevance to today’s world, towards today’s society about what children must do in order to survive. With a controlling government, these characters are lied to, but to grasp the lies and the secrets of the government, they must rise and fight for what they believe in, like in any guerilla war. Abuse and neglect are the mains themes of the story, and they are the themes that drive the characters to be strong and rise above everything that would see them put down. And that right there is what gives the novel and the characters their life.
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