Emertainment’s Guide to VidCon: Saturday’s Agenda
Courtney Accocella ‘17/ Emertainment Monthly Assistant Web Editor

It’s the last official day of VidCon, though Disney Day is pretty official at this point. The amazing events happening over in Anaheim haven’t slowed down though. We picked the events we’d be hitting up before the end of another VidCon!
Now this list does not include the Q&A’s and main stage events for specific channels. Our list features the topic panels that will be happening. Each event has certain ticket track requirements. So make sure that you have the right pass to enter these event before you start queuing up. But without further ado, here are our top picks for Saturday at VidCon!
Ear Biscuits Live!
9:30-10:30am / Creator Track / Room 204
Featuring: Rhett & Link
Internetainers Rhett & Link are bringing their popular weekly podcast series to VidCon for the first ever “Ear Biscuits Live!” Fans in the audience will be able to participate in the show by asking the duo questions and having them answered live during the episode.
Lights, Camera, Action
11:00-12:00pm / Community Track / YouNow Community Stage
Featuring: Meghan Camarena (Strawburry17), Shawna Howson, Jack Howard, Dean Dobbs, Sawyer Hartman
Hear from a group of creators who have taken things to the next level with short film projects, music videos, comedy sketches, and more. What did they learn in their early filmmaking experiences? What do they hope to do next?
Charlie McDonald Eats Cereal For an Hour
11:00-12:00pm / Creator Track / Room 204
Featuring: Charlie Mcdonnell
Watch in awe and amazement as Charlie McDonnell, also known as charlieissocoollike, sits and eats cereal for an entire hour. LIVE! Also he’ll be there to answer any questions that you might have for him, AND he might have some questions for you, too! BYOB (Bring Your Own Bowl).
Creator Keynote
12:30-2:00pm / Creator Track / The Ballroom
Featuring: Michael Buckley, Hank Green, Anna Akana, Peter Hollens, HARTBEAT, Freddie Wong, Meghan Tonjes, Casey Neistat, Felicia Day, Andrew Huang, Burnie Burns, Lauren Fairweather, Kevin Allocca
There is so much that can be done with online video and this is our chance to discuss it. During our creator keynote, new models of funding, fiction, collaboration, activism and more will be discussed by leaders in the online video world. Hosted by long-time YouTube personality Michael Buckley, the Creator Track Keynote is going to be full of fascinating stuff.
A Trinity Affinity
2:00-3:00pm / Community Track / KIA MainStage
Featuring: Hannah Hart , Mamrie Hart , Grace Helbig
You deemed them ‘The Holy Trinity’ — now you get to ask them anything you want. Hannah, Mamrie and Grace answer all of your questions about movies, books, tours, TV shows, owning diva dogs and more!
Closing Ceremony
3:30-5:00pm / Community Track / KIA Mainstage
Featuring: Tyler Oakley, Hannah Hart, Marcus Perez, ShayCarl, Jack Howard, Dean Dobbs, Ricky Dillon, Michael Buckley, Alli Speed, Craig Benzine, Troye Sivan, KickthePJ, Chris Kendall, Mitchell Davis, Connor Franta, Olga Kay
Inspirational talks, exciting performances, eclectic silliness, and general amazingness. The performances are quick (usually between 5 and 10 minutes) giving the closing ceremony a variety show feel. Check out the lineup below!
Vidcon Prom
9:00-11:59pm / Community Track / KIA Arena
What better way to end VidCon than with a giant dance party? We will be playing music until midnight, so put on your dancing feet (you know, not the tired feet that have been carrying you around the convention center all weekend) and join us at the VidCon Prom. Formal attire is encouraged but not required — though some form of attire is definitely required.
What was your favorite part of VidCon this year? Let us know in the comment section below!