What’s your favorite fighting game? Here’s why it should be Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 4
Dylan Pearl, ‘17 / Emertainment Monthly Staff Writer
Quick, what’s the best fighting game? Is it Tekken? Street Fighter? Mortal Kombat? Or maybe, the perennial favorite of the fighting game community: Super Smash Bros.? Unfortunately, all these answers are incorrect. Don’t get it twisted, these games are indeed awesome. Every gamer has felt that rush of satisfaction from landing Marshall Law’s backflip head kick, or executing the legendary Sub-Zero spine rip fatality. But, those games are stale, and far too similar. There’s no innovation; the gameplay is tired, the characters blend together, and the only thing that really changes is the graphics. However, there is one series that’s breaking the trend, that tries to be different and succeeds fantastically: Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm.
This series is completely unlike any of its contemporaries. Even for people who’ve never heard of Naruto, these games offer the most satisfying and unique gaming experience anywhere. From its incredible animation to its huge roster of characters, to its unrivaled complexity, these games routinely push the limits of what fighting games can be. Unfortunately, this is a fact that has gone largely unnoticed. These games have been branded as “anime games,” part of a niche market, reserved for only the nerdiest and most virginal of gamers, and as such have never seen the light of mainstream success. This is a shame, because they feature some of the best mechanics of any fighting game out there and hold the potential to change the way we view the genre.
Most fighting games are two-dimensional, meaning they feature two characters moving back and forth on an XY axis. This has been the format since Street Fighter was a standup arcade game, and although the graphics have improved tremendously, the core elements are still the same. This is a tired mechanic, and one that only scratches the surface of what fighting games are capable of. The Naruto series has no such problems. It employs a 360 degree combat system, shared only by the Dragonball Z series of games. This means that the fighting area is a full three hundred and sixty degree circle, and as such, the characters are free to move in any direction instead of being limited to just up, down, forward, and backward, as they are in other games.
Obviously, this allows for more dynamic, agile gameplay, as players are free to flip, fly, and jump anywhere they wish, interact with environmental hazards, and even knock opponents out of the ring to their deaths. This style of fighting is unique to these games and unshackles the player from the back and forth binary that has been presented as the norm for fighting games, introducing them to a world where they can jump into the air and rain down punishing attacks on their enemies from above.
And finally, the animation is superb. Colorful and fun, it sets the game apart from the dark and dirty color pallets of games like Mortal Kombat and Tekken. The game features incredible cut scenes and animations for special attacks that rival, and in some cases surpass, the show itself, showcasing the grand and fantastical nature of the Naruto universe.
So why then, have these incredible games not received the love they deserve? Simply put, they have never been given the chance. People see the colorful anime characters on the cover and immediately write it off. This is a trevesty; these games offer the first genuine innovation in the genre in years, and yet they go unloved, simply because they hail from source material that is outside the mainstream. However, if given the opportunity, these games could become the foundation for a whole new generation of fighting platforms, a fact which—whether they know it or not—gamers would welcome.
You know I probably would of liked the article if you didn’t seem like such a jerk. You start off asking what’s the best fighting game and then telling everyone who thinks anything other than Naruto is wrong. If you’re going to explain why the Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm series is good you shouldn’t start it out by showing off how much of a fan boy you are.
*would HAVE liked… please learn how to properly write english
Period after last word.
And yet you still managed to miss his point.
Yes, because there’s no way anyone knows what he’s talking about because he misused one word. Learn to have common sense.
I feel like this article displays a misperception on the writer’s part of what makes fighting games good.
To be 100% fair, I haven’t played NUNS4. But I HAVE played a few 2d fighters extensively, and here’s the problem: 2-dimensional fighting is only a surface limitation. It might seem objectively worse than 3D battlefields if you’re unfamiliar with fighter mechanics, but what 2D generally gives you an experience with far more depth than 3D can achieve.
It’s not as if, given 2 dimensions, the up and down buttons cease to exist. Far from it; crouching, jumping, and low-high hits are all massive foundations on which mechanics and counterplay can be implemented. Because you’re seeing the game from the same consistent angle through the whole fight, game developers can implement complex positional nuances which you’d never be able to clearly interpret in a rapidly-shifting, spinning 3D environment. Street Fighter etc. are resounding successes because of this complexity, because of all the things you can do with your character and how they protect you or leave you open to specific moves from your opponent. I’ve wanted 3D games like Dragonball Z and Naruto to compare to this mechanical depth for a while, but I’m still not sure anyone’s figured out how to do it yet.
Again, I haven’t experienced this series nearly enough to say whether it lives up to other fighters myself, but the fact that 2-dimensional fighting is pointed out as an objectively bad mechanic immediately removes all credibility in the article for someone looking for a mechanically complex fighter. Flashy skills and cool animations are great, but they’re no substitute for deep combat mechanics, as that’s what keeps fighting game players entertained for hundreds of hours.