The Five Best Feel-Good Books of 2015
Alessandra Settineri ’19 / Emertainment Monthly Staff Writer
With a new year comes fresh starts, but it’s never too late to look back (or for the first time) at the books that made you crack a smile, let out a chuckle (or many), or simply make your heart feel lighter.
1.Clouds in a Teacup: A Mindful Journey and Coloring Book by Thich Nhat Hanh and illustrated by Brett Cook

Strangely enough, 2015 was the year in which coloring books were all the rage. And even stranger, the target audience was adults. All kinds of coloring books promoting relaxation and the stimulation of creativity were at the forefront of bookstore displays, but Clouds in a Teacup was one that stood out. Brett Cook’s complex, beautifully detailed illustrations were accompanied by the Zen teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh, whose words of wisdom resonate as you fill in the black and white drawings with color. Perfectionists be warned though: this is definitely one you’ll want to take your time on.
2.Carry On by Rainbow Rowell

Fans of Fangirl rejoiced when Rainbow Rowell released the companion novel to her popular book in the form of Cath’s fanfiction, Carry On. Not only is the complete tale of Simon and Baz (a.k.a. Drarry) finally revealed, but it dives into real conflicts that real teens encounter, while also indulging in the magical. It’s ultimately a feel-good love story that at last satiates the curiosity of readers who were fascinated by the fanfiction in Fangirl.
3.Why Not Me? by Mindy Kaling

People familiar and even not so familiar with the Mindy Project star will feel their hearts filling and their sides splitting when they read her second book about her experiences as an adult in Hollywood. Her comic voice lights up every single page, cover-to-cover (literally!). It’s nice to know the sense of humor that we see on TV is genuine; Kaling is definitely someone you can laugh with. Her stories on work, love, and life in general are hilariously inspired. They inspire readers to live fearlessly because, like the title implies, “Why not me?”
4.The Sunlit Night by Rebecca Dinerstein

Although the story takes place in the Arctic, Dinerstein’s novel is extremely heartwarming. The relationship that forms between the protagonists, Frances and Yasha, as they learn how to let go is especially stunning against the backdrop of the setting. The Sunlit Night is a must-read love story that’s been described as lyrical and vibrant.
5.Confess by Colleen Hoover

Another love story, Colleen Hoover’s Confess is a darkly funny novel that’s as soul-destroying as it is heart-lifting. Laden in the page-turning plot is the lesson that there are always second chances in life and in love. Can I get an “awww” here?