Review: 'Kung Fu Panda 3' Doesn't Pack the Same Punch
P.T. Philben ‘17 / Emertainment Monthly Staff Writer
From the very beginning the film delivers in terms of style. The opening scene is a testament to creativity in action sequences as well as phenomenal art direction. Plus there are very few things that sound more awesome conceptually than a Turtle (Randall Duk Kim) fighting an Ox (The main villain Kai, as played by J.K. Simmons) in a spiritual plain (a la Dragon Ball Z fashion) with the added bonus of it being artistically done. It doesn’t seem to hold the kind of dramatic weight that the filmmakers seem to be going for but it’s a heck of a spectacle.
Recent Oscar nominee Bryan Cranston is cast as Po’s long lost biological father, Li Shan. You really can’t go wrong in casting Cranston as the father in almost any context and his performance presents the film with some of its more emotionally resonating moments. Li comes to Po just at a time when the villain Kai has returned from the grave with an army of Jade warriors created from the essence of warriors he has defeated and now Po must master Chi to defeat him. Po must rediscover back to his roots as a Panda in order to master this difficult craft. So, the exact same plot as the last film accepts calling it Chi instead of “Inner Peace” and it somehow manages to be vaguer and have less of a sense of humor about how absurd the concept is. This film generally fails in many humorous beats as it does not take as much advantage as the previous films did to exploit cliche elements of the films story for humorous observations after the conclusion of the first act. The filmmakers do manage to avoid the pitfall of straight up falling into a rut of cliches but the experience does not feel like a roller coaster as the last two did.
Overall it’s a letdown. The film’s impressive cast, which also includes Angelina Jolie-Pitt, Seth Rogen, Lucy Liu, Jackie Chan, James Hong and more feel underutilized. The writing is less clever than one might hope for, the villain is lackluster and the film failed to deliver as a proper continuation. It’s hard to call the movie bad, since there is plenty to appreciate, but there is certainly not enough to call it particularly good. Especially given what did work, the style, the action, the humor and the voice acting were all done worlds better in the previous two installments. It may seem unfair to simply compare the film to its two predecessors, but it’s hard to be thrilled with this installment when the first two were so inspired in many ways. That, and like The Godfather: Part III, Kung Fu Panda 3 falls short on its own merits every bit as much as it does as a follow-up.
Overall Grade: C