'Arrow' Review: "Sins of the Father"

Nora Dominick ‘17/ Emertainment Monthly Co-Executive Stage Editor
Arrow continued to up the intensity this week as Team Arrow desperately tries to save Thea’s (Willa Holland) life. After last week’s gut-wrenching episode involving Roy’s (Colton Haynes) return to Star City and Thea’s worsening condition, Arrow piled on the twists this week. In the latest episode entitled “Sins of the Father,” Nyssa (Katrina Law) returns to wage war against Malcolm Merlyn (John Barrowman).
This week’s brand-new episode of Arrow picked up mere seconds where last week ended, with Nyssa offering Oliver (Stephen Amell) a way to save Thea’s life. With Thea in the hospital, Nyssa shows up with the Lotus, a potion that will cure Thea’s bloodlust. Although as every Arrow fan knows, the League of Assassins always comes with a price. Nyssa will only give Oliver the Lotus if he kills Malcolm. Katrina Law returns full force this week and it’s something Arrow fans have been waiting for. Her presence on Arrow is always larger than life and this week’s new episode did not disappoint. Law’s scenes opposite Amell prove to be some of the most interesting as fans are reminded that the duo are STILL married. The dynamic Amell and Law have in this week’s episode is something new for both characters as they seemingly work together to simultaneously save Thea and take down Malcolm.
“You are very handsome, not especially bright.” Malcolm and Oliver’s already strained relationship is tested more than ever on Arrow this week. John Barrowman brings his A-game to this episode of Arrow as he desperately tries to save Thea and keep his title as Ra’s al Ghul. Barrowman has been riding the bench for a major portion of season 4, however this episode changed all that. When Oliver goes to Malcolm to try to convince him to give up the Demon’s Head in order to save Thea, a side to Malcolm fans rarely see shines through. Barrowman continues to do an incredible job at balancing Malcolm’s emotional moments with his devious ones. He’s a true MVP and underutilized force on Arrow, but this week he proves why he’s stuck around on Arrow. After Oliver proves to Malcolm that the Lotus will cure Thea, Malcolm agrees to Nyssa’s terms: he will give up his title.
The stunt team on Arrow continues to go above and beyond expectations and this week’s episode redefined what the stunt department can accomplish. When Malcolm, Oliver, Diggle (David Ramsey) and Laurel go and meet Nyssa one of the biggest fight sequences of the episode ensues. For any fan that thought Malcolm had changed his ways, they were wrong. He quickly puts Thea’s life behind him and fights Nyssa, refusing to give up the Demon’s Head ring. Malcolm and Nyssa fight it out and it’s one of the biggest fight sequences of the episode. The stunt team for Arrow deserves to win an award for the large scale stunts they put together every single week. As Malcolm and Nyssa duke it out, Team Arrow tries to step in and stop it.
Although Rickards conversations opposite Amandes drive the episode, it’s the single scene of Rickards opposite Charlotte Ross that sticks with fans. In a very small and poignant scene, Felicity informs Donna that Noah is back in town. Donna has always been seen as the carefree character on Arrow, but this week things changed. As soon as Felicity mentions Noah, Donna’s demeanor completely changes. Charlotte Ross has done an incredible job at turning Donna into a multi-dimensional, strong female character on Arrow and this scene showcases her growth once again. When Felicity tells Donna she wants to believe Noah has changed, Donna delivers a crushing piece of dialogue. She says, “I’ve been where you are more times than I care to admit… People don’t change. Even if you want them to.” Ross delivers this piece of dialogue with such authenticity, it’s hard to distinguish where Donna ends and Ross begins. Rickards doesn’t even exchange any dialogue in return, her reaction is enough to seal the deal. Rickards and Ross have created the best mother-daughter duo on TV today and fans can agree that Ross needs to come around more often.
As previously mentioned, the stunt team on Arrow delivered two incredible sequences this week and one of them comes when Nyssa challenges Malcolm to a trial by combat. In a moment reminiscent of the season 3 mid-season finale, Nyssa, Malcolm and Team Arrow meet on a roof in Star City to fight. When Felicity turns to Oliver saying, “This is one of your crazier ideas, and that is a competitive field,” to which he replies “Well sit tight. I have a crazier one coming,” fans know something is about to go down. Right before Nyssa and Malcolm duel, Oliver steps up and as Nyssa’s husband, wishes to fight on her behalf. Holy plot twist!! What ensues is an epic battle between Oliver and Malcolm that showcases the intricate fights the stunt team is able to cook up. Amell and Barrowman prove their stunt skills as they create an amazing moment for Arrow. To end the epic battle, Oliver bests Malcolm and instead of killing him, chops off his hand!! Arrow delivers this crazy twist and it will be interesting to see how this new development affects Malcolm and Oliver going forward.
An episode of Arrow can’t end without an adorable “Olicity” moment. Oliver and Felicity exchange some adorable banter including a moment where Oliver asks Felicity “Will you marry me?” to which she replies, “I think I already answered that.” Rickards and Amell continue to be the heart and soul of Arrow this season and these small moments that are slipped into every episode showcase this. Rickards continues to showcase her natural ability to make fans cry with a single look. Amell has risen above and beyond expectations as he continues to shine in emotional moments opposite Rickards. The adorable moment didn’t stop here, Oliver and Felicity decide that they want to move the wedding up and get married as soon as possible. Cue screams from every Arrow fan as the “Olicity” wedding day approaches. Rickards and Amell dominate every episode of Arrow and these small, intimate moments are where they truly shine.
By episode’s end, Thea receives the Lotus and is cured of her bloodlust and Nyssa, who is now the Demon’s Head, decides the League of Assassins does more harm than good and disbands them! Talk about a crazy, show altering moment! If this wasn’t enough, Malcolm goes to Damien Darhk (Neal McDonough) and tells him about William! Arrow continues to up the stakes as they continue to climb towards the season 4 finale.
You must have been watching a different fight than me. The Arrow v Merlyn fight was far from epic. It was over far too quickly considering the previously shown skills of Merlyn. It didnt make sense that he could loose so easily