'How to Get Away with Murder' Review: "It’s a Trap"
Nora Dominick ‘17/ Emertainment Monthly Co-Executive Stage Editor
How to Get Away with Murder jumped into the past this week as Wes (Alfred Enoch) and Laurel (Karla Souza) dig deeper into Annalise’s (Viola Davis) connection to Rose (Kelsey Scott). Last week fans watched as Annalise returned to the courtroom and other secrets were revealed. The latest episode of How to Get Away with Murder entitled “It’s a Trap,” delivers some answers while leaving fans with even more questions.
Karla Souza astounds on How to Get Away with Murder and this week’s episode is no exception. In the span of one season, Souza has turned Laurel into one of the most important characters on How to Get Away with Murder. Souza has become one of the breakthrough actresses and her scenes this week further prove her amazing potential. One of her best scenes this week comes when Laurel presses Frank (Charlie Weber) for more information on Lyla. Last week, fans watched as Frank finally revealed to Laurel that he killed Lyla. In an emotional exchange, Laurel believes Frank is lying and is utterly distraught that he kept this from her. Souza and Weber have unbeatable chemistry and this scene showcases how far the duo have come as actors. Both began How to Get Away with Murder as relatively unknown actors and now it’s hard to imagine the series without them. Souza shines and Weber triumphs in this emotional scene. In the end, Laurel walks out leaving a distraught Frank alone in his apartment.
While Laurel and Frank deal with secrets coming to light, Connor (Jack Falahee) and the rest of the Keating Five deal with a video that incriminates all of them. Last week, fans saw as Connor received a video that clearly shows the Keating Five at the Hapstall mansion the night Annalise was shot. This leads to an “all hands on deck” episode, especially when the blackmailer requests $1 million be deposited. Some of the best How to Get Away with Murder episodes involve the entire team at Keating & Associates working together and this episode was no exception. The only difference between this episode and others: most of the Keating Five planned to go down.
With all hope appearing to be lost, Connor, Asher (Matt McGorry) and Michaela (Aja Naomi King) prepare to go down for their involvement in Annalise’s shooting. Each character deals with the possibility in their own way. Asher goes to Bonnie (Liza Weil) and what ensues is an amazing, small moment between Matt McGorry and Liza Weil. McGorry and Weil continuously flourish in their scenes opposite each other. This week on How to Get Away with Murder, Asher talks to Bonnie about killing Sinclair. In an emotional moment, Bonnie tells Asher that she isn’t his lawyer or his girlfriend. Weil and McGorry knock these small moments out of the park. McGorry has transformed Asher this season and his character arc is one of the most intriguing. Weil has the natural ability to evoke fans emotions even when no words are exchanged. Bonnie shuts the door in Asher’s face and the tears in Bonnie’s eyes say it all.
Meanwhile, Connor is dealing with this disaster in his own way. He’s decided to apply to Stanford to get away from Annalise and all of the drama. The only catch? He wants Oliver (Conrad Ricamora) to follow him. Ricamora and Falahee have created one of the best relationships on TV this season. Their natural chemistry continues to shine in every scene they take part in and this small moment is no exception. Seeing how far the two characters have come is a testament to the writing on How to Get Away with Murder as well as Falahee and Ricamora’s incredible chemistry.
Although the impending release of the incriminating video looms large in How to Get Away with Murder this week, it’s the flashbacks and Wes and Laurel’s storyline that steal the hour. After storming out on Frank, Laurel goes to Wes and he tells her all about his mother and the case file Annalise left for him. On a whim, Laurel and Wes travel to Ohio to learn more about Rose and her involvement in the Mahoney murder case. Enoch and Souza have been sharing a majority of their scenes together in this portion of season two and it has become a fan favorite pairing. Wes and Laurel’s is contrasted with flashbacks to the actual events and it works perfectly.
In flashback form, How to Get Away with Murder fans meet the Mahoney family, specifically Charles (Wilson Bethel), the son that has been charged with murder. Seeing Annalise live out the event of this case in real time is a refreshing form of storytelling for How to Get Away with Murder. Fans learn that Annalise and Frank convince Rose to testify for Charles, but in typical fashion, things don’t go according to plan. These flashbacks have been the most interesting parts of How to Get Away with Murder in recent weeks and here’s hoping they continue to drive the present day storyline.
Souza and Enoch continue to astound as this week’s How to Get Away with Murder episode progresses. The duo are the breakout stars on this ABC drama and it’s refreshing to see their talent utilized. In season one, Souza flew under the radar as Laurel, but now she is out in full force and fans hope she’s not going anywhere. Enoch continuously grows Wes and he has embarked on an incredible character arc. As Laurel and Wes investigate Rose and the Mahoney case further, Wes starts to believe that the only reason he’s a law student is because Annalise was involved in his mother’s murder. This revelation creates an amazing scene between Souza and Enoch and it’s one of the highlights of the episode.
How to Get Away with Murder has produced some of the finest young actors on TV today, but Karla Souza is the one making the biggest splash. This episode put Souza’s incredible acting front and center as she drove most of the episode’s major plot lines. She is a force to be reckoned with and it’s extremely refreshing to see her receive the storylines she so clearly deserves. One of the biggest moments happens between Wes and Laurel when Wes presses her for info regarding her fight with Frank. Souza slays in this scene where she talks about her father’s past discretions and how it scares her that she has fallen for a man exactly her father. In a moment fans didn’t see coming, Wes and Laurel kiss. It felt almost as if two friends were seeing if their friendship could be more and decided against it, but feel free to discuss in the comments.
By episode’s end, Laurel and Wes look further into the Rose’s death and find that it was ruled a suicide. Of course devote How to Get Away with Murder fans knew this was too easy. Upon returning to Keating & Associates, Laurel pulls Annalise aside and pulls out a stole page from Rose’s corner report. Turns out, Wes was there when she died! Gasp! Did Wes kill Rose? Talk about an “OMG” moment.
How to Get Away with Murder continues to pull out twist after twist as season 2 rages on. With more being revealed about Wes’ past, fans are anxious to see how this storyline will wrap up. Also, when Keating & Associates refuses to pay the$1 million requested by the blackmailer, they receive another video of Nate (Billy Brown) and Annalise having dinner the evening before. The blackmailer is closer than they believed. How to Get Away with Murder ramps up the intensity as more secrets are revealed.
Correction it is – the writers – who turned laurel to the most important character in the show
This review is bogus. Like the character growth but ain’t no way they are the break out stars. Don’t know what show you guys are watching. I think the writers are giving too much air time to LAUREL and Wes. It seems like forced chemistry.