Ten Episodes of 'Arrow' to Rewatch This Summer

Nora Dominick ‘17/ Emertainment Monthly Co-Executive Stage Editor
Now that Arrow season four has come to an end and with several months until Arrow season five begins, it’s time to break out Netflix and enjoy a rewatch of some of the best episodes. With four seasons under its belt, Arrow has its fair share of fan-favorite episodes. I’ve rounded up my favorite ten episodes to rewatch during this summer hiatus.
Check out the full list below!
10. “Darkness on the Edge of Town” (Season 1, Episode 22)
One of the best episodes from season one, “Darkness on the Edge of Town” continues Oliver’s (Stephen Amell) quest to stop the Undertaking from happening. The episode has several important and memorable moments. From Diggle (David Ramsey) dressing up as “The Hood,” capturing Moira (Susanna Thompson) and Oliver and get answers about the Undertaking from Moira to Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) and Oliver waltzing into Merlyn Global to figure out the location of the UNIDAC device and of course the heartbreaking moment Tommy (Colin Donnell) catches Laurel (Katie Cassidy) and Oliver sleeping together. This episode is a classic Arrow episode at its core and definitely one to rewatch.
9. “The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak” (Season 3, Episode 5)
When dealing with a superhero show that already has a comic book following, it’s always hard to introduce characters. Arrow is one of few superhero shows that has a completely original character, Felicity Smoak. Although she was introduced in season one, this episode in season three, “The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak,” gives fans an anxiously awaited backstory episode for the beloved, fan-favorite character. Complete with Goth Felicity, a hacking, evil ex-boyfriend, Cooper (Nolan Gerard Funk), and the introduction of Donna Smoak (Charlotte Ross), this episode is one for every fan of Felicity. Also, who doesn’t like seeing Felicity kick butt opposite Coop? Sign us up!
8. “Dark Waters” (Season 4, Episode 9)
The strongest episode from Arrow season four, “Dark Waters,” featured Neal McDonough in one of his best, most villainous moments this season when he captured Diggle, Felicity and Thea (Willa Holland) and held them hostage in his airless chamber. It also had some now classic Oliver/Felicity moments between their “I love you’s” exchanged through the glass to Oliver getting down on one knee and proposing. One of the best moments of the episode was the stunt sequence involving Malcolm (John Barrowman), dressed as the Green Arrow, and Black Canary/Laurel busting in to save the day. Also, let’s not forget Donna’s reaction to finding that engagement ring and the heartbreaking moment when Felicity is shot by Darhk’s men. Overall it was an episode that perfectly balanced heart and action and should be added to your rewatch list.
7. “The Calm” (Season 3, Episode 1)
My personal favorite season opener, “The Calm” follows Oliver and Team Arrow as they try to track down Count Vertigo (Peter Stormare) and stop Vertigo from hitting the streets of Starling City once again. The episode is great for many reasons. This is the first time we are introduced to Ray Palmer (Brandon Routh), it’s still one of the first times Roy (Colton Haynes) fights alongside Oliver as Arsenal and “Olicity” fans get a date between Felicity and Oliver. Although those moments are great, it’s one of my favorite episode because it features the first steps towards Laurel becoming The Black Canary. Sara (Caity Lotz) and Laurel are/were the best sisters on TV and their moment on the roof together at the end is one of their best moments. It also features some of the best acting from Cassidy when Laurel cradles Sara after she is killed and falls off the roof. A definite must watch episode for any fan of Arrow.
6. “Broken Arrow” (Season 3, Episode 19)
One of my favorite season three episodes, “Broken Arrow” centers on Roy’s decision to come forward as The Arrow. Some of the best acting happens in this episode, especially from Haynes and Amell. Haynes leaves his mark on Arrow with this episode, especially when Roy must bid farewell to Oliver, Diggle and Felicity. A moment that was definitely more Haynes saying goodbye to Amell, Ramsey and especially Rickards. The episode also features an epic Felicity and Ray moment when Ray comes swooping down as The ATOM to save Felicity (with a little help from Oliver). This episode is a must see just for Haynes memorable farewell to the cast and the character of Roy (for now).
5. “The Brave and the Bold” (Season 3, Episode 8)
The first ever crossover between The Flash and Arrow remains the best crossover for me. Between Team Flash and Team Arrow coming together in Starling City for the first time and seeing The Flash and The Arrow fight Harkness (Nick E. Tarabay) together, “The Brave and the Bold” is the perfect superhero mashup. Although both shows, specifically The Flash, have grown tremendously since this crossover and although the one this past season featured even more superhero’s, simply having Team Flash and Team Arrow will always be the best for me. Who knows how the four way crossover between Arrow, The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow and Supergirl will turn out this upcoming season, but this first crossover will most likely be my favorite forever.
4. “The Scientist” (Season 2, Episode 8)
Speaking of everyone’s favorite Speedster, the Arrow episode entitled “The Scientist” introduces the world to Grant Gustin’s portrayal of Barry Allen. When Barry travels to Starling City to look into a similar case as one back home in Central City, he is thrust right into the middle of the action with Oliver, Felicity and Diggle. From the moment Gustin steps on screen, he has fans smitten with this version of Barry Allen. Between his quirky moments with Felicity to the more serious moments with Oliver, Barry swiftly becomes a fan favorite character. This episode was the beginning for The Flash and it remains one of the best Arrow episodes. Also, who can forget Oliver gracing our screens with his suspenders?
3. “Sacrifice” (Season 1, Episode 23)
Season one finales are big for any TV show, but Arrow specifically ends its first season with one of the most memorable episodes to date. Following a season of Oliver trying to take down the Undertaking, it all comes to a head in “Sacrifice” when the device goes off leaving The Glades in ruin. This episode has several monumental Arrow moments. One of those moments happens between Roy and Thea. With The Glades being destroyed Roy steps up as the superhero he’s meant to be and runs into the fray to save his fellow Glades residents. Of course, the episodes major moment happens in the last few minutes when Tommy Merlyn sacrifices his life to save the woman he loves, Laurel. To this day, it remains one of the best acting moments from Amell, Cassidy and Donnell. The season one finale of Arrow remains one of the shows strongest.
2. “The Climb” (Season 3, Episode 9)
One of Arrow’s strongest episodes all around was the mid-season finale of season three, “The Climb.” The episode centers on Team Arrow finding out that Oliver’s DNA is all over the arrow’s that killed Sara. Knowing this isn’t true, the team investigates and learns that Malcolm setup Thea and made her kill Sara. In order to save his family, Oliver decides to go and fight Ra’s al Ghul (Matt Nable). In one of the most iconic Arrow moments, Oliver fights Ra’s al Ghul on top of a mountain and ends up being stabbed and thrown off the side of the mountain. It was one of the biggest jaw-dropping moments Arrow has ever accomplished and remains one of the best episodes. The episode also introduces the world to Ray’s A.T.O.M’s suit and Oliver’s first real “I love you” to Felicity.
1. “Streets of Fire”/“Unthinkable” (Season 2, Episode 22 & 23)
This may technically be two episodes, but the season two finale of Arrow really encompasses “Streets of Fire” and “Unthinkable.” In the epic two-part conclusion, Team Arrow must fight to stop Slade (Manu Bennett) and his army of Mirakuru soldiers. These two episodes remain the best all around episodes of the series. From the epic and monumental fight between Team Arrow and the Mirakuru soldiers to Felicity kicking Slade’s butt to Laurel shooting her way out of the collapsed tunnel, these episodes hold it all. It also includes one of the best written moments when Felicity gives Oliver her “I believe in you” speech in the clock tower. These episodes solidified Rickards leading actress status on Arrow as well as the star power of the Arrow stunt department. “Unthinkable” also showcases Diggle and Lyla (Audrey Marie Anderson) working with Floyd Lawton (Michael Rowe) as well as flashbacks revealing how Oliver defeated Slade on Lian Yu and why he thought Sara was dead. Every moving piece of Arrow comes together perfectly for these two episodes and it’s amazing to watch.
I love all of these choices.