Review: 'The Beguiled' Is a Summer Masterpiece

Jacqueline Gualtieri ’17 / Emertainment Monthly Staff Writer
Sofia Coppola’s latest film has difficulty being defined. The Beguiled is not quite a suspense. It lacks tension. It’s not quite a horror, although it is gory. It’s not quite a comedy, although there’s a certain dark comedy to all of it. It’s not quite a drama, though it is dramatic. What it is, though, is perhaps one of the best films of the summer, captivating from the beginning to the heart-stopping end.
The Beguiled is based on a novel by Thomas Cullinan and is a remake of the 1971 film which had Clint Eastwood as its lead. Despite this history, the film feels new. Every twist is bigger than the last, leaving the audience wanting to know what could possibly come next.
Although Kidman is a force to be reckoned with as Miss Farnsworth, she’s frankly outshined by Dunst and Fanning. Edwina and Alicia’s rivalry is a driving force of the film and also where much of the dark comedy comes in. Fanning has an angelic look about her and yet she manages to be convincing as a devil in disguise. She wants to be the most beautiful. She wants to be the most loved. And she’ll do anything to get there. She’s the hateable bad girl and Fanning plays it to a T. While the character could have perhaps been written more complexly, Fanning still took what she was given and created something strangely menacing and hard not to want to watch.
Much like Edwina, John has his own metamorphosis throughout the film. John starts out grateful towards the women. Before he is exposed for being a manipulator and trying to sleep with all of the women there, the audience is seduced much like all the women of the film are. He’s charming. He’s kind. He’s a hard worker who wants to help the women take care of the house, even on an injured leg. He is swoon-worthy. What he becomes, though, is less than human. He’s not even a villain by the end of the movie. He’s too weak to be able to do the harm he says he’ll inflict. Instead, he’s more like a mad dog. No motive, just vicious. Farrell’s ability to transform and snap so quickly was jarring and added a tension that the movie lacked up to that point.
The Beguiled is a beautiful, sinister masterpiece. Although it is far more character-driven than plot-driven, every twist creates the need to keep watching, the need to know what comes next. From beginning to end, it’s jaw-dropping and heart-breaking, with actors that make you fall in love just as easily as they make you feel sick. Coppola has created a film like nothing else this season.
Overall Grade: A-
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