A Night With Nunnelee: A Concert Review

Olivia Romesburg ’27 / Emertainment Monthly Staff Writer
On September 11, the folk and indie rock artist Daniel Nunnelee set out to deliver a spectacular show at Arts at the Armory, in Somerville, MA.
He did just that. There were about fifty people in attendance, which added to the intimacy of the venue. To make it even more personal, at the end of the show, he took the time to visit with the guests.
Beyond the preplanned setlist, Nunnelee took song requests from the audience to close out the show. This made the concert feel so special to see him playing what the fans wanted to hear. A lot of his songs have heavy meanings and people getting to hear songs that had a profound meaning to them was so surreal. Nunnelee and his band are currently on a tour for his new album June Baby, his debut album, which was released on June 28th of this year. He was also in the Boston area last April when he opened for the 502s.
The lighting for the concert was beautiful, utilizing an array of blue, purple, and pink lights. The stage was also low, level with the audience, which made the performance more personal.
The show’s opener was Shane T. Shane T is a New York City based artist of the alternative and indie genre.
Nunnelee was also funny. He told the audience about how a monitor had fallen on his trombone at the last show, and then he proceeded to do the part that would normally be done with a trombone, except by using his voice. He made many quips at the end of the show about encore culture and sarcastically joked that it was definitely their last song before leaving and coming right back out for one more.
Nunnelee is based in Nashville, Tennessee. Some of his biggest hits are “Pick and Choose” and “Oak Trees.” He has been compared to the likes of Bon Iver, The Paper Kites, and The Lumineers.
Nunnelee is on tour until November 9.