"Supernatural" Review/Recap: "Blade Runners"
Emily Dunbar ‘17 / Emertainment Monthly Staff Writer
Albeit minimally, this season’s biggest overarching concerns were finally addressed. Ever since the introduction of the First Blade, we’ve been left wondering where it is, whether Crowley (Mark Sheppard) was making any headway in finding it, and how long the Winchesters could keep it a secret from Queen of Hell in-training, Abaddon (Alaina Huffman).
It was a fun throwback to have Sam and Dean (Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles, respectively) summon a crossroads demon to get Crowley’s whereabouts, though Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi’s guest-starring role as the demon was tainted with her offensively poor line delivery. The boys find Crowley more vulnerable than he’s ever been, hopped-up on human blood and essentially useless to Winchesters as well as himself. His cheap shots throughout the episode, complaining about being human and an addict, proved funny, though a little heavy-handed. However, the complete 180 we see from him at the end of the episode was fantastic! It felt like we were seeing the old Crowley, the real King of Hell, someone who should actually be feared. While it was fun having him around, it was time for good and evil to go back to their separate corners.
This episode also gave us some more Men of Letters canon, which is something we can’t seem to get enough of, though we’ve been collecting information since season 8. It was refreshing to learn more about how the Men of Letters worked, to see new characters emerge from the past, and to hear more about what Sam and Dean’s grandfather, Henry, had been up to in the bunker in the 50s.
It’s unlikely we’ll see much from Cas next week either, since Collins stepped into the role of director. The preview showed us glimpses of brotherly angst, some meaningful conversations, and finally another glimpse of the Queen of Hell-hopeful—in a nun’s habit, no less!
Tune in to the CW next Tuesday at 9pm to see Misha Collin’s directorial debut and Supernatural’s next thrilling installment, “Mother’s Little Helper.”
Overall Episode Grade: A-