Review: "Captain America" Sequel is a Game Changer for the Marvel Cinematic Universe
Michael Moccio ’16 / Emertainment Monthly Managing Editor
The directors of the film—the Russo brothers—had talked about the movie prior to the release, saying that it was more of a political thriller than anything else. They managed to synthesize all the enjoyable elements of a political thriller, an action movie, and superhero movie to create something utterly unique and, quite frankly, game-changing. Their creative direction was incredibly innovative, essentially breaking the foundations upon which S.H.I.E.L.D. and the governmental-related aspects of the Marvel Cinematic Universe were built upon. They tackle real-world issues like availability of information, corruption in government, and the threat government could pose if given too much power.
The ultimate reveal is completely unexpected, but believable, and adds another dimension to The Winter Solider that pushes it beyond a simple “superhero” film. That ability to be something other than a straightforward “superhero” movie will prove invaluable to Marvel as they continue to diversify their future projects. The Winter Solider proves they’re not only able to step out of their comfort zone, but succeed in taking these creative risks.
Beyond that, The Winter Solider has consequences and effects that will span throughout the rest of the universe. Marvel utilized Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., the popular television show, to act as a prologue and an opportunity to expand on the consequences of the events in The Winter Solider. This is something that’s never been done before and gives the studio an impressive opportunity for future projects.
For anyone who wanted a Black Widow solo-movie, look no further than The Winter Solider, as Natasha Romanov (Scarlett Johansson) gets almost as much screen time as Captain America (Chris Evans). She plays an integral part in the film and stands on equal ground with the likes of Steve Rogers. Likewise, Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie), aka Falcon, creates an interesting new dynamic between the main trio of characters, adding a sense of humor and depth that Captain America, Black Widow, and Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) aren’t able to provide.
If anything, The Winter Solider shows what’s possible when cinematic universes are planned from the get-go. It connects past plot points from a variety of the other films and sets up others with future storylines. While the movie might be criticized for functioning too much along the lines of a set-up film, that doesn’t change the fact that it captivates the audience from beginning to end. Longtime Marvel fans will be rewarded for understanding all the references made throughout the movie while more casual fans should, at least, be able to relish the fact that Marvel is promising a more eclectic array of movies for the future.
The Winter Solider is a must see for anyone invested in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or anyone who just wants to have a good time. And, please, stay for the scenes after the credits—you won’t be disappointed.
Overall Grade: A
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