'How to Get Away with Murder' Review/Recap: "Freakin’ Whack-A-Mole"
Nora Dominick ‘17 / Emertainment Monthly Staff Writer
This episode takes a small step back from the over-arching, Lila Stangard case and focuses on a death row case near and dear to Annalise’s (Viola Davis) heart. This is the case that made Annalise look at the criminal law system and realize bad people do not always get the justice they deserve. In an astonishing performance in the courtroom, Davis delivered one of Annalise’s most moving monologues to date when she was blaming the Senator of being involved with the murder case. She says “But the thousands who were displaced in the name of lining your pockets. The majority of whom are poor, powerless and didn’t bear the color of skin desirable to your business interests.” This one line sends Annalise on a whirlwind rampage that is simply empowering. Davis continues to reign supreme on this show as she continues to peel back the layers of Annalise.
This episode also focused heavily on Asher Millstone (Matt McGorry) and his father, Judge Millstone (John Posey). When the team finds out that Judge Millstone was the original judge presiding over the death row case they are overturning, Asher spirals into thoughts about his father’s true motives as a judge. In a perfectly acted scene, viewers see Asher sitting in his living with his father. He confronts his father about the case. His father replies by kicking him out of the house. Most people would then throw their good old Dad under the bus and move on, but not Asher. He returns to Keating and Associates only to say that his father is not to play a role in their investigation. This won’t be the last time we will be seeing dear old Judge Millstone is it? Revealing more information about Asher and his wealthy, prevalent family was perfect. Viewers now have a small backstory on each of the students. This is how character development works successfully and more shows should take some tips from How to Get Away with Murder.
The flash forward sequence this week focused on Asher and his involvement in the fateful night. Viewers already knew that Asher was not with the other students as they roll up and burn Sam’s body, So where was he? Turns out he was getting it on with Bonnie. His present day storyline could have been stronger but the last five minutes made up for it in the end. It would have been nice to see more of Asher in the flash-forward sequences overall.
How to Get Away with Murder continues to turn up the heat on each of its characters. The storylines are getting better week after week as Annalise and the gang continue to get into some less-than-legal situations.
How to Get Away with Murder airs on Thursday’s at 10/9c on ABC
Overall Episode Grade: A-