An Emertainment Monthly Interview with Into It. Over It.’s Evan Thomas Weiss
Brionnna Grubbs ’16 / Emertainment Monthly Music Editor
Into It. Over It. all started with Evan Thomas Weiss’s project called “52 Weeks,” where he wrote one song every week for a year. I got a chance to interview Weiss after his show on March 27 at Northeastern University, where we talked about his projects and his general experience as a musician.
Emertainment Monthly: How long have you been making music? Is there anything in particular that made you want to be a musician?
Evan Weiss: It’s going on almost 15 years. From writing stupid songs with my friends up until now – I have always loved it since I was a little kid. You know when you’re young and you just know exactly what you want to do? That’s this.
EM: What is your favorite part of being a musician?
EW: This question will be a different answer no matter which musician you talk to. In my case, it’s the creative process as well as being able to be my own boss.
EM: In 2007, you did a 52-week project where you wrote a new song every week for a year. What inspired that? What are your thoughts on how that project turned out?
EW: It was inspired by a combination of depression and boredom. It was created to combat that. It absolutely worked.
EM: Where did the name Into It. Over It. come from?
EW: From the 52 Weeks project. That was intended to be the beginning and the end.
EM: What other projects have you been involved in?
EW: Countless hardcore and indie rock bands – Mostly from around the NJ area where I grew up. The most notable were The Progress and Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start. Currently (alongside IIOI) I’m working on music for the bands Stay Ahead Of The Weather, Their / They’re / There, and Pet Symmetry. I’m about to start my first production project in June. I was just kicked off a record label called Storm Chasers. This is my life.
EM: Which has been your favorite? Why?
EW: IIOI is my favorite. It’s my baby. I have a special place in my heart for The Progress as well. It’s where I initially learned every lesson that has helped me better prepare for a focused mind in music.
EM: Anything you’re working on now?
EW: I start recording the new IIOI album on Tuesday [laughing].
EM: What is the inspiration behind your music?
EW: The days and nights surrounding me. The mundane and the not-so-mundane. It’s just honest storytelling.
EM: What is your overall writing process?
EW: There isn’t one at this point [laughing].. I wish I had a better answer for this. Writing isn’t as mystical as people might think. I just do it constantly.
EM: Tell me a little about the video “How Music Saved My Life” you made with Alternative Press and Hope For The Day. How did you get involved with that? What do you think of the series/project?
EW: Oh! Well… I just approached by Johnny who is one of the main guys over there. It seemed like a really great project and I was totally willing to tell my story. I think what he’s doing over there is really great. It’s something this city [Chicago] needs.
EM: Any shows that you’ve done that stick out in your mind?
EW: One of my favorite shows I’ve ever played was in the living room of the It’s A Kling Thing house in Akron, OH. Maybe 200-something kids singing every word. It was amazing.
EM: Who’s been your favorite artist or band that you’ve toured with?
EW: Man, there are too many bands to name. I really enjoyed playing with Matt Pryor and James Dewees. I really enjoyed playing with Texas Is The Reason. I really enjoyed the full band shows with Braid. The full band IIOI tour with Hostage Calm and Owen was superb. Europe with La Dispute was excellent. So many tours.
EM: Any words of wisdom for aspiring musicians?
EW: Decide if it’s the commitment you really want to make. If so, give it everything. Hone your craft. Be friendly and polite. Respect in everything. Be proud of yourself and your presentation. Don’t cut corners. Then, give it everything AGAIN.
Overall, Evan is a laid back guy, telling jokes all throughout his set. In closing his interview, he tells a joke: “What do Eric Clapton and a cup of coffee have in common? They both suck without Cream.” Keep your eyes open for his next album, which he began recording April 4. And make sure to catch him on his latest tour, as he’s been giving sneak previews of the new album at his recent shows!
For more information, check out for upcoming tour dates, Evan’s blog, merch, and discography!