The Mowgli's Rock Out At The Paradise Rock Club
Max Cherry ’17 / Emertainment Monthly Staff Writer
If you expected anything other than leaving the Paradise Rock Club on November 15th drenched in sweat, confetti twisted into your hair, and cheeks sore from smiling the biggest smile, you clearly weren’t prepared to see The Mowgli’s.
The words “love” and “smile” were strung across the speakers and amplifiers, decorative reminders that The Mowgli’s take happiness seriously, and that this was to be a happy night. The show was opened with the saxophone-based X Ambassadors, followed by the joyous Royal Teeth — then The Mowgli’s walked on stage, much to the delight of their increasingly impatient fans.
As soon as they began to rock out, singer Colin Dieden and percussionist Spencer Trent jumped into the crowd and sucked their fans straight into the performance, handing the microphone off to concertgoers to sing along and hugging everyone they could get their arms around. When the eight-piece band from California wasn’t jumping up and down, lost in their own euphoric sound, they were diving into the crowd and making memories for as many people they could.
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Every time Dieden held the microphone out for the audience to chant the choruses of songs like “Say It, Just Say It” and “Slowly, Slowly,” he would shout at the top of his lungs: “Boston, you’re beautiful!” with such gusto, he only could have meant it with all his heart.
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Between songs, Dieden passed a wine bottle around, and as the show progressed, he began to clutch that bottle tighter and tighter. In the middle of performing their song “The Great Divide,” he stopped the rest of the band and asked the room, “Is anyone here in love?” There were cheers from the crowd, but Dieden wasn’t impressed. “Who’s in love with themself?” he shouted, and the building erupted with laughter and cheers. “Now who is in love with love?” The crowd cheered and laughed as he asked one more question. “Now — what song were we doing again?”
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The band finished off with their biggest hit, “San Francisco.” Confetti shot from all directions and rained love over the dancing crowd, which was slowly being joined by various members of the band, along with Royal Teeth, who came out for a surprise second appearance.
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As the confetti rainstorm cleared and the band thanked the crowd for the beautiful night, you could look around and see the ear to ear smile on every single attendee. The Mowgli’s will continue their Random Acts of Kindness tour throughout the U.S for the next couple of months and then return to work on their new album.
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