Two Door Cinema Club – “Beacon” Review

Matt Buckley ’15 / Emertainment Monthly Staff

The small band from Northern Ireland named Two Door Cinema Club released their sophomore album September 4th entitled “Beacon,” adding a fantastic chapter the groups already stellar reputation. The album charted in the top five in Ireland, The United Kingdom, and Australia.
Their first single, Sleep Alone, was released in July, and are now onto their second single Sun, a catchy tune with front man Alex Trimble’s soothing voice and brass accompanying the synth and guitar riffs.
This second album has a much more soothing tone to it than their first album, which had electrifying singles such as Something Good Can Work and What You Know. While the sound is different from their first album, it is good as they are not simply repeating what was successful with their first album, they are changing. The risk they took in changing their tone is successful, with a good balance of songs that still have energy such as Someday and Next Year, and songs with a slower sound to them, such as The World Is Watching and Spring. Definitely give this album a listen, Two Door Cinema Club will never disappoint, and they will only continue to add to their long list of great songs.