American Horror Story: Asylum – "I Am Anne Frank Parts 1 & 2" Review/Recap [SPOILERS]
Alex McCormick ’16 / Emertainment Monthly Editor
Last Week’s American Horror Story: Asylum was the first of a two-part episode entitled, “I Am Anne Frank,” in which a patient (Franka Potente) who claims to be Anne Frank comes to Briarcliff. It was the best episode since the premiere in terms of acting, directing, writing, and editing.
In Part One, we learn more about Grace (Lizzie Brocheré) and why she was admitted to Briarcliff. We also see Dr. Thredson (Zachary Quinto) treating Lana’s (Sarah Paulson) homosexuality through aversion/conversion therapy in the most disturbing sequences of any television series or movie that I have ever seen.
MVP for Part One goes to Sarah Paulson for her incredible acting in the therapy scene. Honorable mention goes to Franka Potente.
Last night’s “I Am Anne Frank” concluding chapter was arguably the most disturbing episode overall of the season thus far and one of the better episodes to date.
Part Two marks Grace’s (Lizzie Brocheré) encounter with the extraterrestrials. This scene also reveals that Kit’s (Evan Peters) wife, Alma (Britne Olford), is still alive. The infamous Bloodyface is also revealed to be Thredson (Zachary Quinto) after he traps Lana (Sarah Paulson), which I predicted when the season began.
MVPs for Part Two go to Jessica Lange for her moving monologue about her childhood pet and Sarah Paulson for her flawless acting after being taken captive by Bloodyface. Honorable mention goes to Lizzie Brocheré.