Review: Warm Bodies
Emily Grossberg ’16 / Emertainment Monthly Staff
Warm Bodies could be seen as another one of those zombie-apocalypse movies that we’ve been seeing so much of lately, but what really makes this movie stand out from any other zombie tale is the fact that this movie is based off the power of human connection, not the power of infectious disease.
In this modern twist of the classic story of Romeo and Juilet, one zombie named R is just another lonely corpse looking to connect. He finds it rather difficult, however, seeing that he’s dead and can’t even talk. In fact, he claims he and his best friend have “almost conversations” where they stare and grunt at each other for a few seconds.
While diseased corpses roam the land, the humans who survived have built a giant wall, barricading themselves in an evacuated city. One day, a group of volunteers, including our heroine, Julie, leave the blockade in search of medicine and supplies. At the same time, R and his zombie friends are scouring the area for food. They smell the group, attack, and R eventually kills and eats Julie’s boyfriend. He saves the brains for last, however, to acquire his memories. Upon doing so, he falls in love with Julie (played by Teresa Palmer) and with that love, begins to transform back into a human.
In this zombie vs. vampire world, it’s no doubt that the zombies come out on top. Funny, poignant and just plain goofy, Warm Bodies defeats any personality-less desire that drives the plot of Twilight and shows that love and compassion have the ability to change the world.
Overall, Warm Bodies delivers a fresh new take on an old story. Accompanied by great music, a good supportive cast, and the adorable witty Hoult sets a new standard for zombie love. Palmer does a great job falling in love with the guy who ate her boyfriend’s face off, and there’s enough attitude and good comedic timing to make what could’ve been a gruesome tale one of courage and heart. (But hopefully one that zombies won’t eat).