Griffin Conlogue ’15 / Emertainment Monthly Staff Orange is the New Black is the new black. It’s a must see show right now and is easily the most addicting thing to watch. This isn’t Netflix’s first original content, but it is definitely one of it’s best. Orange is the New Black tells the story of Piper Chapman (Taylor Schilling), a woman who is sent to jail for 15 months for a crime she committed years earlier. Through her perspective you get to meet some of TV’s best and most original characters. Here are the top 5 reasons you should be marathoning the show right now.
Mild spoilers and some NSFW language follows.
1. It’s Reminiscent Of Some Of Television’s Greats
Taylor Schilling, Vicky Jeudy and Dascha Polanco in Orange is the New Black. Photo Credit: Barbara Nitke/Netflix.
The show and it’s story is beautifully unraveled, but is very much a stylistic mash-up of some of television’s best recent shows. The plot, much like Lost, is told with a mixture of flashbacks and present day stories. It has the feel of the earliest seasons of Weeds, which was when the show was at it’s peak. It’s also sometimes as edgy and realistic as Oz was for male prisons. Throw in the relationship drama from most shows (most comparisons are with The L Word) and you’ve got the right combination of ingredients to create a hit.
2. It’s Got The Best Theme Song
Regina Spektor’s infectious “You’ve Got Time” will be stuck in your head for days after each episode. It’s such a catchy and cool tune that is impossible not to love it. I can’t think of anything on air right now with a better theme.
3. It Seems Like Everyone Is Represented
Danielle Brooks, Taylor Schilling, Vicky Jeudy and Samira Wiley in Orange is the New Black. Photo Credit: Paul Shiraldi/Netflix.
There are black characters, Hispanic characters, white characters, Asian characters, lesbian characters, straight characters, transgendered characters, very religious characters… Did I miss any? If I did its me making the mistake because the show has it all. Everyone seems to be represented in some way. You’ll be able to find little bits and pieces of yourself in every character on the show. Except Pornstache (Pablo Schreiber). At least I hope not.
4. Laura Prepon Is Finally Back On A Good Show
Laura Prepon and Taylor Schilling in Orange is the New Black. Photo Credit: Jessica Miglio/Netflix.
After appearing in a few pilots that never made it two air, a struggling summer drama, and recent short lived television comedy, Laura Prepon is finally back on a good show. After years of success with That 70’s Show it is good to have Prepon back in a strong role. She plays Alex, who is an inmate who has a past with the lead character, Piper Chapman. She is an extremely popular character, particularly within the lesbian community. Unfortunately for her (and all of the show’s viewers) she is only back for a limited role in season 2.
5. The Side Characters Make It Perfect
Tayrn Manning in Orange is the New Black. Photo Credit: Jessica Miglio/Netflix.
With characters named Pornstache and Big Boo (Lea DeLaria) where can you go wrong? There is something likable about nearly every character and you can’t help but falling in love with all of them. You want to hang out with Taystee (Danielle Brooks) and Poussey (Samira Wiley). You feel bad for everyone calling Suzanne (Uzo Aduba), “Crazy Eyes.” You want the inmates to get out but you don’t want them to leave. From Taystee’s crazy stories to Pennsatucky (Taryn Manning) rambling about God’s message, you will laugh, cry, and feel for every single one of these characters.
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