Review: “Kirby: Triple Deluxe”

Ryan Smythe ’15 / Emertainment Monthly Staff Writer

kirby triple deluxe2

There is nothing quite like the frustration brought about by a Kirby game, and Kirby: Triple Deluxe brings it to a new level for the series.

This is by no means a negative quality, as long as console-throwing isn’t an issue. Like with many Nintendo games, simply beating a level is just the first layer to the game. From there, each level has hidden collectables, Keychains and Sunstones, some of which are so aggravating to reach that the only logical reason is sadistic game designers.

Complimenting this insane treasure hunt is some of the most fun gameplay on any console. Each power that Kirby can absorb has its own unique moveset, making it feel very much like this fighting gameplay was taken directly from the Super Smash Bros. franchise. With enemies littering the 3D playing field, there are a lot of targets on which to test out every part of the powers.
Quite possibly the most interesting part of the game is the 3D itself. Many of the levels include several paths along different depths of field, which is initially an annoying way for enemies to shoot or swing at Kirby without being touched. Soon however, the ability to shift which plane Kirby is on make them fully accessible. This single mechanic plays such a major part in the game that it is actually necessary to keep the 3D switch on at all times, so be ready to take breaks for the inevitable eye soreness.

While that may be the most interesting mechanic, the most fun parts are the boss battles. In Triple Deluxe, the battles fall into one of three categories: major bosses, which only occur at the end of a level; mini bosses, which occur every so often and require the Hypernova ability (more on that shortly); and mini-mini bosses, which happen almost every stage and can be consumed upon defeat. Several classic bosses make their return, including Kracko and Flowery Woods, with new powers bestowed upon them by the main villain, Taranza.

Before getting into the plot of the game, the Hypernova ability needs to be mentioned. In the trailers for the game, it was shown off as an unexplained ability, unclear as to how it would work. What it does is quite simple; it makes Kirby suck even harder. This allows for dramatic scenery changes, with trees becoming uprooted, massive suits of armor torn to pieces, and dozens of enemies pulled into the swirling vortex that is Kirby’s mouth. The boss battles utilizing this act more like puzzle games, where specific bits of the stage need to be launched or sucked to succeed. The ability is limited to certain parts of levels, usually the very end. Touching a Miracle Fruit, which sprouts at set locations, bestows the power, but only until Kirby leaves the stage. After that, he has to wait for the next Fruit.

Some version of this Fruit sprouted the initial beanstalk that Kirby has to climb, so like a plant, it continues to sprout other fruits. At least that is what can be inferred of the plot, which takes place without any dialogue. Other than that, the evil six-legged sorcerer Taranza comes in to steal King Dedede away, prompting Kirby to chase after and save his arch-enemy. Late in the game, there is a twist that switches Kirby’s focus to a much greater evil, but that won’t be spoiled here.

Overall, this game is fantastic. The cheerful music and very rounded art style make Kirby: Triple Deluxe very kid-friendly without taking away any of the game’s appeal. This game fills a very noticeable Kirby void in the already spectacular 3DS library, and should leave fans of the pink monster excited for his return appearance in Super Smash Bros. 4 which will be released later this year.

Overall Grade: B+

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