Boston Comic Con: Day Three

Ryan Smythe ‘15 / Emertainment Monthly Staff Writer
As easy as it would be to make this an article dedicated to John Barrowman’s panel, there is too much to say about the end of Boston Comic Con to dedicate the whole page to him. 24+ hours of time spent on the floor, at the film festival, and in the panels, somewhere around 3000 words of coverage after this article (with more to come in the coming weeks), and 17 new graphic novels to add to an ever growing pile of artistic genius made for a fantastic backdrop to an overwhelmingly amazing weekend. That’s not to say that the weekend lacked flaws; Boston Comic Con, and presumably other cons contain their fare share of dreadful experiences.
For the sake of simplicity, let’s say the plan is to enter the floor as the doors open at 10am. Most people would eat breakfast in the hour before getting to the convention, and finish up their coffee while waiting in line. After all, that’s the best way to find enjoyment while standing still on a sidewalk with a mass of strangers pressing in on all sides. Once the doors open, a few carefree hours can be spent perusing the various wares peddled by wonderful merchants. Art is on all sides, and worries brought in from the normal world are encouraged to be left at the door, unlike the hundreds of latex, cardboard, and leather costumes worn by proud fans. The hours drift by in a nerdy haze in a room where to be a geek is encouraged, but before long, a distraction begins to surface. Maybe it starts with a rumble, maybe it starts by looking at a t shirt with a taco on the front. The important thing is that breakfast doesn’t last forever, and lunch gradually becomes the most important thought.
Unless waiting in line is your one true calling in life, getting that lunch is not an easy prospect. The line for the food court is a guaranteed 30 minute minimum, and the smells wafting out from the fryers won’t make the wait any easier. The chances of finding a reasonably priced restaurant in the area are a decent bet, but good luck heading towards the one that none of the other people chose on your first try. With the amount of walking around the floor that comes with attending a comic con, food becomes the most important thing to keeping up a good attitude and enjoying the day to the fullest, so be sure to plan for a solid hour and a half break to get food. Either that, or break out the sandwich bags, grab a comfortable spot on the floor, and revel in the hungry discomfort of those around you.
On the subject of lines, get ready to participate in them for extended periods of time if any of the panels seem appealing. Depending on the popularity, the line could find itself wrapped around the entire floor only to fold in on itself to double back. Even once the doors open and forward movement begins, it could stop at any point with a terrifying question from the staff member controlling the door.
“What’s your number?”
“What number?”
“You were given a number.”
“Well, the people guaranteed a seat were given a number. Hold on, I’ll check if there’s more space.”
For the lucky few who make it past the doors without their own magic number, Boston Comic Con returned to amazing status. This particular panel, John Barrowman’s, began with a casual attitude that continued throughout the hour, with a more than occasional increase in sexuality. Mixed in with his wisdom about the different forms of acting, “In theater, you can play a character. On TV, you play a personality,” were anecdotes about his ancestral ties to Boston, “I can say that I’m a little bit Boston, but I can definitely say I’ve had a little bit of Boston in me.” Filled with an energy many Cirque du Soleil members would love to tap in to, Barrowman ignored the table and chairs, choosing a wireless mike and the ability to run around with his audience members as he regaled with anecdotes, answered their questions, and flirted with as many people as possible, especially the woman who brought him baked goods as a present. He put on an incredible show to thank the room packed with his fans, and encapsulated everything that Boston Comic Con, every other con, and the general nerd community attempt to achieve; love, acceptance, and an environment to have a stupid amount of fun.
Thank you Boston Comic Con, for putting on one hell of a show in 2014.

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