Beyond the Trailer: Will 'Ted 2' Live Up to the Original?
Joey Sack ‘17 / Emertainment Monthly Staff Writer
At the beginning of the trailer, Ted marries his girlfriend from the last movie, Tami-Lynn, as Patrick Stewart narrates that although “happy ever after” only exists in fairy tales, the fact that a teddy bear is about to marry his girlfriend proves that “Americans really don’t give a crap about anything.” Ted tells John (Mark Wahlberg) that he and Tami-Lynn are planning on having a baby, and he would like his best friend to be the sperm donor (because Ted is a stuffed animal without any sort of means to impregnate a woman).
The main conflict of this movie is introduced when Tami-Lynn discovers that in order for their marriage to be legitimate and to have custody of their child, Ted must be seen, in the eyes of the law, as a human being (a bit of a problem for a plush toy). With encouragement from John, Ted decides to sue the Massachusetts government for his rights. This puts him in contact with a lawyer, played by Amanda Seyfried, who will help Ted prove that he should be considered human in the eyes of the courts. A few funny scenes, including Ted singing when asked if he has a soul and messing with a cranky fat blind man in a diner, are the highlights of this trailer.
The effects for Ted himself actually look pretty good, perhaps even a bit improved from the last movie, and the acting looks like it’s going to be pretty solid, and hopefully pretty funny. Given that Mila Kunis, who played John’s girlfriend Lori in the last movie, was pregnant when filming for Ted 2 was going on, she’s not featured at all in this trailer, with the main actress in this movie being Amanda Seyfried. It doesn’t look like Kunis will have any sort of role in this movie, but we’ll just have to wait and see. Mark Wahlberg still seems like he’s going to be really funny, and Amanda Seyfried is actually pretty entertaining, though she mostly plays the role of the straight man (or, in this case, woman) in the group. We’ll see how this two-person/one-teddy bear team turns out, but it looks pretty promising.
Ted 2 premieres June 26th. Do you think Ted can become a good person for the good of his loved ones? Will he muck it all up? Or will he find some sort of happy medium that allows him to continue his existence as the foul-mouthed teddy bear we all know and love? Only time will tell.