'Arrow' Review/Recap: "Suicidal Tendencies"
By Nora Dominick ‘17/ Emertainment Monthly Assistant Stage Editor
Audrey Marie Anderson and David Ramsey are probably the most underrated couple on Arrow. Their storylines often get eclipsed by Oliver and Felicity moments but this week they had one of the most important storylines, which was refreshing. Lyla and Diggle finally tied the knot, something fans have been waiting for since the beginning of season three. During their vows, Diggle and Lyla have a very short but emotional exchange when Lyla declares she wants to marry him “even more than the first time.” Anderson and Ramsey’s ability to showcase an entire relationship in just a few sentences is simply amazing. Something that goes unrecognized is how much these two characters have been through together. They went from being army buddies, to married, to divorced, to partners and back to the most important thing: a family. Anderson and Ramsey portray all those years of pain and happiness in small scenes and that is the most impressive thing. Although Diggle and Lyla get married, the honeymoon doesn’t last very long– better yet it doesn’t even start. Just as they head off Floyd Lowton “Deadshot” (Michael Rowe) shows up and declares, “The Suicide Squad rides again.”
Arrow this week did something different with the flashback sequences. This week fans got an inside look into Deadshot and how he became the most notorious sniper in the Arrow universe. This was a refreshing change of pace considering the Hong Kong scenes tend to be boring and dragged out. Fans learned that Lawton suffered PTSD after returning from his time in the U.S Army. Adjusting back to normal life with his wife and daughter proved to be more difficult than anticipated and he ends up being sent to jail. The most important piece of these sequences is that while Lawton was in jail the illusive agency, H.I.V.E, visits him and gives him the job of killing Diggle’s brother, Andy. Rowe does an incredible job at transitioning between the man Lawton was into the man he wants to become. By episode’s end, not everyone makes it out of the Suicide Squad’s mission alive. Deadshot stays behind in order to save Lyla and Diggle. Could this really be the death of everyone’s favorite villain? If Oliver Queen has taught us anything: no one is really dead forever.
When Ray learns that Oliver is indeed The Arrow, the standoff fans have been waiting for rears its ugly head. One of the best scenes of the night comes when Ray confronts Felicity about knowing Oliver is The Arrow. Felicity responds to Ray’s allegations that The Arrow is a harmful criminal by saying, “You have no idea what he’s been through. What he’s lost, how he’s grown. But I do. I know him better than almost anyone.” Rickards delivers her lines with such emotion and truth that it’s hard to separate the character from the actor. Of course with Ray not trusting Felicity and wanting to take down the man vying for her affection, The A.T.O.M and The Arrow go head to head in one of the biggest action scenes Arrow has coordinated in recent weeks. In the end, Oliver comes out victorious and instead of punishing Ray he simply tells him, “She chose you. So trust her.” Amell and Routh both are very strong actors and continues to play the power struggle for Felicity and Starling City effortlessly. Amell has been able to show off his emotional side in recent weeks and this episode continues to showcase his growth as an actor.
Don’t agree at all that Oliver won this round with Ray as far as vying for Felicity’s affection. She responded unequivocally, “Yes” to Ray’s question about whether she had feelings for Oliver because she sees nothing wrong with loving your close friends. That’s different from being “in love” with somebody. And by the end of the episode, it appeared that Felicity and Ray were just as close as ever. Olicity seems to have gone up in smoke…for now, anyway.
One of the main objectives of this show is make Oliver suffer physically and emotionally in every episode for choosing to be the Arrow. At the wedding, he looked like he was about to cry looking at Felicity with Ray. He had that same look when he walked in on Felicity and Ray kissing in the office several episodes ago when he was going to tell her he was in love with her. And “Mr. Perfect” even performed the wedding ceremony with Felicity looking on like a love sick teenager.
I expect they will come up with some new way every week to widen the gap between Oliver and Felicity because that has become the method of choice to make the guy go through almost non-stop emotional anguish.