Carter Reynolds Kicked-Out of VidCon?
Courtney Accocella ‘17/ Emertainment Monthly Assistant Web Editor

Carter Reynolds is in the news again. Following the recent scandal involving a leaked attempted sex tape with his underage girlfriend (along with possible rape allegations), Twitter went on red alert, and public opinion of the Vine star turned hostile. Reynolds saw fans’ outrage firsthand when he attempted to attend VidCon this weekend.
— jai (@OLlVERQUEEN) July 24, 2015
Youtuber Onision encouraged his fans to let VidCon creator Hank Green know the “kind of person Carter Reynolds is.” Onision himself is among a small list of internetainers not allowed at the convention. Also on the list? Youtuber Sam Pepper, following his so-called “social experiment” failure. Onision took to Twitter in a series of posts reaching out to VidCon:
@hankgreen are you taking care of Carter Reynolds? You banned Sam Pepper for assaulting women, Carter is just as bad. — Onision (@Onision) July 24, 2015
@carterreynolds instead of attending VidCon why not head over to the local police station and turn yourself in?
— Onision (@Onision) July 24, 2015
Hank Green took to Twitter with a quick reply saying that Reynolds was removed from the event and was not officially invited to attend.
@Onision Security removed him from the hotel. He was not an invited guest. — Hank Green (@hankgreen) July 24, 2015
However, Reynolds would not go out silently, and began a Twitter rant on the subject.
@carterreynolds Sorry, that’s what I heard. In any case, we do need to ask that you not come back tomorrow.
— Hank Green (@hankgreen) July 24, 2015
i’m not gonna be treated with disrespect for no reason
— Carter Reynolds (@carterreynolds) July 24, 2015
good luck kicking me out — Carter Reynolds (@carterreynolds) July 24, 2015
too bad i’m staying at the hotel. yikes. — Carter Reynolds (@carterreynolds) July 24, 2015
Maybe Reynolds shouldn’t have shared that fact as the hotel began receiving death threats against him and would later also ask him to leave.
.@VidCon why are you guys being a bunch of bitches?
— Carter Reynolds (@carterreynolds) July 24, 2015
.@VidCon y’all fucked up
— Carter Reynolds (@carterreynolds) July 24, 2015
vidcon supports bullies and is letting the public opinion on me influence theirs and the hiltons decisions — Carter Reynolds (@carterreynolds) July 24, 2015
apparently i was a threat to the people at the hotel and they were concerned with my safety as well as the safety of the people around me ? — Carter Reynolds (@carterreynolds) July 24, 2015
vidcon had no legit reason as to why i couldn’t be there haha
— Carter Reynolds (@carterreynolds) July 24, 2015
VidCon does have a reason, actually. The convention’s code of conduct states, “It is vital to us that VidCon is a safe place for all attendees. VidCon is a private event and people who mistreat or disrespect other people will be removed and not allowed for the duration of the event. VidCon reserves the right to permanently ban attendees and guests who do not comply with the code of conduct, including for future events put on by VidCon LLC.”
the vidcon staff treated me like i was some criminal or terrorist. that was very rude and disrespectful for them to do. — Carter Reynolds (@carterreynolds) July 24, 2015
Disrespectful like how many consider it rude to film your already uncomfortable girlfriend and yell at her for saying no to your sexual demands maybe?
i had to leave the marriott because people were calling the hotel giving me death threats, i’m honestly so scared right now.
— Carter Reynolds (@carterreynolds) July 25, 2015
a girl stuck her middle finger in my face today and i didn’t care but then she actually hit me in the face with her finger.. that’s too far — Carter Reynolds (@carterreynolds) July 25, 2015
Onision was not putting up with Reynolds complaints after the banning and in one simply put tweet summarized what a great many attendees were thinking.
— Onision (@Onision) July 25, 2015
If she doesn’t give a clear “yes”, it’s a “no.” Men who don’t respect that belong in prison. I have zero sympathy for sexual predators.
— Onision (@Onision) July 24, 2015
Proud of a lot of people right now. Specifically the YouTube community. Today was a victory for victims of men who can’t comprehend “NO”.
— Onision (@Onision) July 25, 2015
Reynolds made a last-ditch effort to mock VidCon, tweeting “Magcon> Vidcon.” Frankly, Carter, we don’t think VidCon cares. While the behavior some attendees had towards Reynolds is not acceptable, it is reassuring to see VidCon stand with its earlier statements that sexual assailants wouldn’t be allowed at their events, which have many young, impressionable fans in attendance.
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