Review: 'Denial' Is An Undeniably Faithful Adaption

Ari Howorth ’18 / Emertainment Monthly Staff Writer
It’s hard to fathom that in the age of endless access to information, there are still those who can rebuff what is academically universally established to be true. These people exist, and when left unaddressed by fact checkers and esteemed historians, their influence can truly be dangerous.
Such is the focus of Mick Jackson’s Denial, which recounts the true story of the early 2000’s trial of David Irving v Penguin Books Ltd. and Deborah Lipstadt. Irving (a disgustingly riveting Timothy Spall) is an established military historian and in the 90’s was the the face of Holocaust denial. He files the libel suit against Lipstadt (Rachel Weisz) a teacher and activist against Holocaust denial who, on account of the British legal system, must prove Irving’s guilt rather than defend her own innocence. The trial becomes not about the libel, but rather about proving the existence of the Holocaust and then proving that Irving deliberately manipulated that information to reflect his bigoted views.
With this, however, comes the fact that the film does fall short outside of what can be googled. In the “behind the scenes” more personal scenes, the film simply doesn’t land. The lawyer team (which seems to be ever-growing?) is constructed of character shells, with the exception of Tom Wilkinson’s Richard Rampton, who’s complex of coldness and professionalism for a topic that is so emotional and to no one’s surprise hits him deep down is an interesting one, however it is not given the screentime to develop. There is but one scene in which we see the more sensitive side of this character and outside of that he is nose deep in his research or speaking professionally in the courtroom.
Ultimately, it is difficult to criticize a film that so truthfully brings to light a story that needs to be told. At the end of the day, the fim tells the story of the libel suit in a mature, respectful manner. It only falters when it strays from the main story for characterization, but the meat of film is well-intentioned. The shame is that the majority of the audiences seeing Denial are already going to be familiar with the story. That shouldn’t be the case, because Holocaust deniers are out there. This did happen and it is still happening.
Overall Grade: B
Watch The Trailer: