'Game of Thrones' Recap: "The Spoils of War"

Kyra Power ’19 / Emertainment Monthly Contributor
This week went from what seemed to be a slower episode to a crazy intense battle scene fast. But what ties it all together is family reunions: I’m talking Starks and Lannisters, and also a surprising amount of comedy. A breakdown of the highlights:
1. A three way Stark reunion. Even though technically Bran (Isaac Hempstead Wright) doesn’t consider himself a Stark, we see him, Sansa (Sophie Turner), and Arya (Maisie Williams) back together in the godswood. The Stark sister reunion is nothing like I wanted it to be, but everything I needed. My favorite part is Sansa finding Arya’s list mildly amusing. Nothing like sisterly bonding over wishing you’d killed Joffrey, am I right, ladies?
Things are brewing at Winterfell with all of them there now, but it’s hard to say what. Littlefinger (Aidan Gillen) preached last week about expecting every possible outcome, but he seems shocked when Bran repeats his famous “chaos is a ladder” line to him after Littlefinger gives him the knife. This leads to another question: if Bran sees everything, he must know who ordered him killed after he had been pushed in season one. Is it Littlefinger? I firmly believe Littlefinger is behind it all, but why hasn’t Bran said anything?
We then see Sansa and Littlefinger watching Arya train. Sansa seems impressed in her aloof way, but Littlefinger seems concerned. I love Arya, but Littlefinger is Sansa’s to kill. More drama to unfold on that front next week for sure.
2. The comedy. Despite being one of the darkest shows on TV, GoT is surprisingly funny. Ranking at joke of the week was the return of fewer. This joke started with Stannis in season five when he corrected someone’s grammar under his breath. It seems Davos (Liam Cunningham) has learned from his former king and corrects Jon (Kit Harington). Dany (Emilia Clarke) and Missandei’s (Nathalie Emmanuel) girl talk about Grey Worm was great until Jon rudely interrupts it for a solid five minutes of awkward sexual tension with Dany. While the Jon and Dany conversation isn’t funny, it’s enlightening. Dany is driving me crazy with her demands that Jon must bend the knee, but something does seem to be brewing there, which Davos has picked up on. The entire Arya and the guards scene is funny in retrospect, but I could not deal with the suspense of her reunion; I was convinced she wasn’t going to make it in.
As always, next week can’t come fast enough for these questions to be answered.
I imagine destroying the supply train will make it that much harder for King’s Landing to outlast a siege…
A truly eloquent articulation of my feelings on the show