Review: 'The Grinch' Is Exactly What You Expect (Unfortunately)

Isaiah Simeon ‘22 / Emertainment Monthly Staff Writer
How do you convince audiences to see a retelling of a classic story, but it’s just the same story, except this time with really good animation? Apparently, you cast Benedict Cumberbatch as the lead, somehow get him to put forth roughly fifty percent effort, and get Tyler, the Creator (yes, that Tyler, the Creator) to perform a rendition of the theme song.
It feels important to preface all criticisms of this film with an acknowledgment that this is a children’s movie – made for children. Will children enjoy this film? Yes, most likely. Mission accomplished. With that being said, this movie sucks.
Although labeling it an ‘adaptation’ seems a little generous. The term ‘adaptation’ implies a unique take on a story, and this is not exactly that. It is almost admirable just how little effort was put forth into making this film original. It is, note for note, the same story, except this time the non-Grinch part of the movie focuses on a little girl (Cameron Seely) who wants Santa Claus to help her overworked single mom (Rashida Jones) by sending her… a husband… maybe… it was very vague regarding what outcome the child was hoping for.
And on that note, the lesson of the film, which is the same lesson in all versions of the Grinch story, is very weak, at least compared to previous iterations. There are about ten total lines of dialogue dedicated to the lesson of the film. It’s not like it is trying to be subtle or anything – it’s just lazy.
Will children get the message? Not if they zone out for a minute or two at the end.
To reiterate – this is a movie undeniably made for children, who do not concern themselves with ill-crafted narratives and undeveloped characters. The most justified critique of the film is that it does not care enough about its message, which is its main responsibility as a children’s film. Final verdict – the Jim Carrey version remains the unmatched kind of Grinch movies. Better luck next time, Cumberbatch.
Overall Grade: C
Watch The Trailer:
I usually don’t do this but I had to find out who did this theme song because IT IS SO BAD!!! What? I see all these reviews saying it’s catchy and great and what are THEY listening to? It’s Terrible with a capital T. Creation fail.