Review: An Incredible Nicole Kidman Performance and Character Balances 'Destroyer,' a Predicable yet Engaging Crime Thriller

By Cameron Lee ‘20 / Emertainment Monthly Staff Writer
In some ways, Destroyer could serve as a double feature bill alongside this year’s brilliant You Were Never Really Here. They both feature protagonists dealing with extreme PTSD, trauma, and use brutal methods to achieve their intended goals. But that’s where the similarities end – though it should be noted that both of these films were directed by women. They each take a different approach in tackling damaged characters who have to deal with violence; Lynne Ramsay subverts every expectation of the crime thriller genre in You Were Never Really Here and creates something entirely new.
Destroyer, on the other hand, for the most part, takes the straight and narrow route to tell its story. However with an incredible performance by Nicole Kidman that ranks among one of her greatest performances and a storyline that’s easy to invest in Destroyer avoids the pitfalls of becoming just another lame duck Michael Mann wanna-be crime film and instead turns out to be a crime thriller with depth and emotion.
Kidman very much transforms into Bell – not because of the excellent makeup work, but because she never feels like she’s playing a role. It is easy to buy that Bell is a real person here and not just another role that Kidman has added to her vast filmography. It’s a very different and much more brutal, much darker role for Kidman to take on, but she does it so effortlessly that by the end the only person that was on the screen was Bell, not Kidman.
While it’s easy to get invested into the case Bell is trying to solve, the real meat of the film is Bell herself. The film is a character study; the case Bell reopened is less about what actually happened but how it drove Bell to an extremely dark place and how she can’t get out of said place. She lost custody of her daughter and struggles to reconnect with her. There’s one scene in particular towards the end of the film where she tries to make amends with her teenage daughter that’s heartbreaking to watch. The score underlines the intensity and sadness that Bell feels; in parts, it sounds similar to the score to Sicario and in more personal moments like a sad lullaby.
But, as a character study, Destroyer works quite well. It may not deliver the thrills people have become accustomed to from recent crime thrillers (there’s not a lot of action besides a bank shootout) but it tells a story that’s emotionally engaging from a character and acting perspective. And sometimes those two things can save a rather predictable plot.
Overall Grade: B
Watch the Trailer: