Daniel Sloss’ Netflix Comedy Special, Jigsaw, is a Must See

Sofia Farres ‘25 / Emertainment Monthly Staff Writer
In 2018, Scottish comedian, Daniel Sloss, released his comedy special Jigsaw onto Netflix. While it was not necessarily a smash hit, it has made huge waves within the standup community and continues to do so with each passing day. Jigsaw is not a typical comedy special. It is jarring, honest, surprisingly eloquent, and can be a life-changing experience for those who choose to watch and truly absorb the message Sloss tries to convey. He discusses the meaning of life and how much time and energy people invest in relationships they probably should not be in because society has programmed them to believe they are nothing if not in a romantic relationship.
He shares an analogy with the audience that he was told as a child by his father: life is like a jigsaw puzzle and everybody has to piece theirs together. The catch is that there is no reference photo of what the puzzle should look like, therefore everyone spends their life simply guessing whether or not certain pieces fit together and where in the puzzle they belong. He uses this analogy to explain the importance of understanding oneself and loving oneself, referring to his special as “a love letter to single people.”
The comedy special sends the audience on a rollercoaster of emotions and has made many people question whether or not they are happy in their relationships. As of June 2019, the special had successfully ended at least 34,000 relationships and 93 marriages, and that number is bound to be greater by now. While some may think this is a sad fact, Sloss and his fanbase ardently disagree. Their argument is that if a relationship was truly healthy in the first place, the special would not cause any doubts. Rather than viewing Jigsaw as the comedy special that has doomed thousands of relationships, Sloss believes that he has saved thousands of people from being stuck living miserable lives in relationships that no longer suit them.
People usually turn to stand up comedy to be comforted and to laugh. While this special does spark laughter throughout, that is not its main purpose. It is meant to be moving, to provoke thought, to change the viewer for the better, and to shift their perspective. The goal is for everyone who watches to realize that they are worthy of real, unconditional love which must come from themselves before it can come from anybody else.
The special is available to stream on Netflix.