Unknown Mortal Orchestra Concert Review

Samantha Edelman ’26 / Emertainment Monthly Staff Writer
After their recent album release titled V on March 17th, 2023, Unknown Mortal Orchestra performed at Boston’s Roadrunner venue on Saturday, April 22nd. This has been a long awaited tour since their last album release on February 5th, 2013, labeled II.
The album cover was already revealed in 2022 with the release of the single “I Killed Captain Cook.” That could relate to a similar theme connected from that single to their newest album. This new album takes on the theme of blending Hawaiian melodies with English lyrics as an ode to Nielson’s mother, who told him to always take pride in his heritage.
The opening act Seafoam Walls came in with a mostly instrumental set. They were very laid back as well as excited to be there. The band consists of four members who were all dressed very casually for the occasion.
The venue was decorated with large three letter symbols: U, M, and O. These letters lit up to go along with the beat of each song and changed colors throughout.
Crowd graphic. Photo by Samantha Edelman
Unknown Mortal Orchestra eventually made their entrance, walking out in a white mini skirt, a black top and high black boots. The lighting remained as the set-structure which changed color from song-to-song. There was also a canvas in the back of the stage that the band members decorated and would later sell for charity. The rest of the band, consisting of five other members, all dressed very casually in jeans.
The crowd was going wild for their performance. People were jumping up and down screaming at almost every upbeat song. Although there was no service at Roadrunner, nobody seemed to have the urge to go on their phones at all, which was a plus.
The setlist was a mix of old classics such as “HunnyBee” and “Multi-Love” as well as their newer songs like “That Life,” “The Garden,” “Layla,” and “Nadja.” The band’s collective energy was very heartwarming and felt very connected to the crowd.
Unknown Mortal Orchestra’s set. Photo by Samantha Edelman.
The crowd and band were ultimately connected from start to end. The members had also mentioned how their tour has been a great time so far as they end their tour here.